UDC 633.491:631.5
Shabanov A.E.
In order to expand the regions of cultivation of new potato varieties, it is necessary to determine their adaptability to specific agro-climatic growing conditions. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to identify groups of leading potato varieties of various target uses, characterized by a high stable yield level, high marketability, taking into account the soil climate in various agroecological zones for inclusion in regional programs for the development of original and elite seed production. In 2014–2016, at test sites in 5 regions of the Russian Federation, a comprehensive assessment of 19 potato varieties of Russian selection of different maturation dates was carried out in terms of productivity and adaptability of varieties with high yield potential and product quality in various agroecological conditions. According to the research results, varieties with the highest stability Udacha (Sgi=33.6), general adaptive ability, increased environmental sustainability and high potential productivity (Amur, Brjanskij delikates, Meteor, Krepysh, Kolobok, Irbitskij i Chajka – SCGi=415.5–461.8) were identified, which allows us to recommend these varieties for breeding as a source environmental sustainability. The best responsiveness to changing environmental conditions is the Gornjak, Matushka i Favorit variety (bi = 1.23), which is most suitable for intensive potato growing technologies in various agroecological zones. Based on the conducted comparative assessments, the varieties of different maturation groups most adapted to local growing conditions were determined: Central region: Udacha, Zhukovskij rannij, Meteor, Krepysh, Glorija, Bashkirskij, Brjanskij delikates, Charodej, Kolobok, Spiridon, Irbitskij, Fritella; North-Western region: Udacha, Zhukovskij rannij, Krepysh, Amur, Fritella, Spiridon; Volga-Vyatka region: Matushka, Meteor, Krepysh, Brjanskij delikates, Gornjak, Irbitskij, Chajka, Kolobok; West Siberian region: Meteor, Bashkirskij, Brjanskij delikates, Gornjak, Krasavchik, Kolobok, Irbitskij; Middle Volga region: Bashkirskij, Glorija, Kolobok, Fritella, Chajka.
Key words: variety, adaptability, productivity, tuber mass, genotype, region, agro-climatic conditions
Shabanov A.E., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), head of the Department of agro-ecological assessment of varieties and hybrids, Russian Potato Research Centre. E-mail: agro-vniikh@mail.ru
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For citing: Shabanov A.E. Adaptive capacity of new and promising potato varieties of domestic selection. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No11. Pp. 32–36. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.56.84.002 (In Russ.).