Methods and devices for an estimation of potato varieties and hybrids suitability to a mechanical harvesting

UDC 631.171

V.N. Zernov, S.N. Petukhov

In the presented material on the basis of the analysis of references genetic inheritance of a potato varieties resistance to mechanical damages is proved, influence of damages of tubers on their quality and suitability for storage, and also necessity of working out of a technique and the devices is shown, allowing to conduct a controlled breeding of varieties, suitable to a mechanical harvesting. Methods and equipments for an estimation of potato varieties and hybrids suitability to a mechanical harvesting are analysed. It is proven that true rating of potato varieties damageability is defined in field conditions at practical machine harvesting.

Keywords: mechanical damages, resistance inheritance, methods of an estimation, the device, suitability of varieties and hybrids, a mechanical harvesting.

V.N. Zernov, PhD, leading research fellow, All-Russian institute of Mechanization. E-mail:

S.N. Petukhov, PhD, leading research fellow, All-Russian institute of Mechanization. E-mail:
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For citing: Zernov V.N., Petukhov S.N. Methods and devices for an estimation of potato varieties and hybrids suitability to a mechanical harvesting. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No5. Pp. 22-24.

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