Dynamics of Potato Virus Y disease on potato varieties in the field

UDC 633.11:632.488

Yu.S. Panycheva, D.M. Vasiliev, T.P. Suprunova, A.N. Sakharova, A.N. Ignatov

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) are one of the most important food crops in the world. The high incidence of viral diseases in potatoes has a serious impact on crop yields, resulting in economic losses due to culling of seed potatoes and increased storage losses. Potato Virus Y (Potato Virus Y, PVY) is the most common and economically significant virus in terms of crop and tuber quality effects. In Russia, the total frequency of infection of seed potato batches with PVY variants, according to literature data, is over 55.8%. The aim of our study was to study the effect of potato variety on the dynamics of accumulation and spread of PVY virus infection in the field. Dynamics of accumulation and spread of virus infection PVY under field conditions was studied in 2017–2018 plants of 6 varieties of potatoes (Toronto, Indigo, Manhattan, Lionhart, Carmen, Valiza) selection of LLC SGC Doka-gene (Rogachevo, Moscow region) under different levels of seed infection. In the 2017 field season, artificial inoculation of plants with Y virus (strain PVY-O) was carried out at three different sites (with initial infection with Y, X, S, M, A and PLRV viruses not exceeding 1%). In 2018, the planting material of 6 potato varieties was collected, which met the requirements for varietal diversity and contrast contamination in the form of tubers, mini-tubers or microclonal plants. To assess the degree of damage to individual plants, a 9-point scale of viral resistance was used, to assess the impact of y virus infection on plant growth, a biometric analysis of plants was carried out. It is shown that under optimal conditions for the development and spread of viral infection in the field in 2018, the dynamics of virus accumulation depended on the initial degree of infection of plants and on the variety, and the yield did not correlate with the growth of the above-ground part of potato plants. In the immediate vicinity of healthy and infected plants, there was a rapid spread of the pathogen, even with the use of vector control.

Keywords: Potato virus Y, plant viruses, agrocenosis.

J.S. Panicheva, postgraduate student, FSBS ARRIABR, LLC RC PhytoEngenering. E-mail: j.panycheva@phytoengineering.ru

D.M. Vasiliev, research fellow, LLC RC PhytoEngenering. E-mail: d.vasilev@phytoengineering.ru

T.P. Suprunova, director, LLC SGC Doka-gene. E-mail: t.suprunova@dokagene.ru

A.N. Sakharov, research fellow, LLC SGC Doka-gene. E-mail: a.sakharova@phytoengineering.ru

A.N. Ignatov (author for correspondence), DSc, prof., Agrarian and technological Institute of the RUDN University, deputy director general on scientific work, LLC RC PhytoEngenering. E-mail: a.ignatov@phytoengineering.ru

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For citing: Panycheva Yu.S., Vasiliev D.M., Suprunova T.P., Sakharova A.N.,  Ignatov A.N. Dynamics of Potato Virus Y disease on potato varieties in the field. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No5. Pp. 25-29.

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