Damaging of potato tubers by wireworms depending on agro-ecological conditions

UDC 632.76:635.21

Fasulati S.R., Ivanova O.V.

The larvae of Click beetles i.e. the “wireworms” (Coleoptera, Elateridae) are the significant pests of potato tubers among the polyphagous soil-habitat insects. In the Northern-Western Area of Russia and in Leningrad Region, the potato tubers had most often damaged by larvae of the Agriotes lineatus L., of Actenicerus sjаelandicus Mull., of Selatosomus aeneus L. and of Athous niger L. click beetles species. Among them, the most numbering and dangerous species is the Agriotes lineatus L. The part of its larvae could be consist about 85–100 % on some potato plantations around the St.-Petersburg. In 2009–2020 we researched some aspects of ecology and of feeding specialization previously of its larvae on the experimental fields of the All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Protection (St.-Petersburg and Leningrad Region). On our data, the main agro-ecological factors which influence to the feeding behavior of wireworms on potato plantations and to the level of tubers damaging, are the peculiarities of growing potato varieties, and also the plants-precursors in a crop rotation and the soil humidity regime in its seasonal dynamics. The main criteria of the evaluance of potato varieties for resistance to wireworms is the percent of damaged tubers in the yield of each variety from the such experimental plot. During the period of researches we described the information about the comparative damaging by wireworms of 36 potato varieties which was evaluated at least 3 times in different ecological conditions. According to the total data of the researching in 2009–2020, the potato varieties Gusar, Nayada and Sirenevy Tuman are resistant to wireworms, and according to the preliminary data in 2019–2020 – also the varieties Axenia, Baltic Rose, Delphine, Impala, Manifest, Palaz, Red Fantasy, Rosara and Estrella. Such varieties may be used as ecological basis of systems of integrated potato protection in agricultural zones where the wireworms has a previously damaging value amond the potato insect pests.

Key words: potato, tuber, wireworm, damaging, variety, resistance

Fasulati S.R., Cand. Sci (Biol.), senior research fellow, lab. of agricultural entomology, All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Protection (VIZR). E-mail: fasulatiser.spb@mail.ru

Ivanova O.V., Cand. Sci (Biol.), senior research fellow, lab. of agricultural entomology, All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Protection (VIZR)

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For citing: Fasulati S.R., Ivanova O.V. Damaging of potato tubers by wireworms depending on agro-ecological conditions. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No5. Pp. 21-25. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.33.31.003 (In Russ.).


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