UDC 635.21:631.526.32
Shabanov A.E., Abrosimov D.V., Solomentsev P.V.
The purpose of the research is to determine the reaction of a new medium-ripened potato variety Plamya of selection of the Russian Potato Research Centre on planting dates and methods of applying mineral fertilizers in terms of productivity and quality indicators of tubers. The experiments were carried out in 2021–2023 at the Korenevo experimental base of the Russian Potato Research Centre (Moscow Region) on sod-podzolic soil with a low humus content (1.7–1.9%), high mobile phosphorus (269–378 mg/kg) and below average exchangeable potassium (128–130 mg/kg). Three methods of application were studied: 1. N90P90K135 when cutting ridges (control); 2. Fractional (N60P60K90 when cutting ridges + top dressing N30P30K45) 7–10 days after germination; 3. Fractional (N30P30K45 when cutting ridges + top dressing N30P30K45 7–10 days after germination + top dressing N30P30K45) in the budding phase. We studied two planting dates: 1. Early (3rd decade of April at a soil temperature of at least 5–7 °C); 2. Control – 7–10 days after the first term. It was revealed that early planting accelerated the emergence of seedlings on plantings by 4–6, and budding and flowering by 3–7 days, than planting at a later date. In the variants with early planting and fractional fertilization (N60P60K90 + top dressing N30P30K45), plant height, top weight and leaf surface area of plants were on average higher by 4.0 cm, 1.8 t/ha and 3.7 thousand m2/ha, respectively, compared with later planting and one-time fertilization. At the same time, the maximum yield averaged 34.2 t/ha over the years of research. The effect of the planting period on yield reached 31% of the effect of all factors in the experiment. The conditional income from early planting and fractional fertilization (N60P60K90 and top dressing N30P30K45) amounted to 313272 r/ha, which is 58 thousand r/ha more than with later planting and one-time fertilization N90P90K135.
Key words: yield, term, planting density, application acceptance, consumer and table qualities, conditional income
Shabanov A.E., D.Sci. (Agr.), head of the department of Agroecological assessment of varieties and hybrids
Abrosimov D.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow of the department of agroecological assessment of varieties and hybrids
Solomentsev P.V., post-graduate student, researcher at the department of agroecological assessment of varieties and hybrids
Russian Potato Research Centre
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For citing: Shabanov A.E., Abrosimov D.V., Solomentsev P.V. Features of cultivation of the medium-ripened table potato variety Plamya. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No1. Pp. 44-48. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.40.26.006 (In Russ.).