Species composition and the number of aphids on seed potato in the Arkhangelsk region

UDC 577.21:576.314

Shamanin A.A., Popova L.A., Berim M.N., Golovina L.N.

The northern part of the Arkhangelsk region is characterized by favorable phytosanitary conditions for the production of seed potatoes. However, the yield and quality of potatoes are adversely affected by aphids, many of which are vectors of dangerous viral diseases. The purpose of our research was to clarify the species composition and assess the dynamics of the number of aphids and possible transfers of infectious load when growing high-quality potato seed material in the Northern districts of the Arkhangelsk region. The research was carried out in 2018–2019 in the northern part of the Arkhangelsk region (Holmogorsky district, Holmogorskaya Agrofirm LLC). The experimental site was represented by planting potatoes of different varieties of the category of the first field generation. The precursor is the vico-oat mixture on the silo. Weather conditions during the period of research significantly differed in temperature conditions. The sum of the average daily temperatures in 2018 was 1239.1 °C, in 2019 – 918.4 °C. The amount of precipitation varied slightly over the years. The type of soil in the studied region is podzolic on a loamy, carbon-free moraine. Monitoring of aphids-vectors of viral diseases was carried out by catching yellow vessels filled with water (Merike traps). On the experimental field, 4 traps were located along the perimeter of the accounting field no closer than 5 meters from the edge. The date of setting the traps corresponded to the germination of potato tubers. The study of the dynamics of the flight of aphids in the northern territories of the Arkhangelsk region revealed the species composition and the number of populations of aphids present at the planting of seed potatoes. Nine species have been identified, 5 of which are potential sources of viral infection. With relatively small differences in precipitation and lower temperatures, 41% fewer aphids were detected in 2019 than in warmer 2018. The largest number was found in the black-grain apthat Rhopalosiphum padi L. 19–25 individuals (23–30%) and bean wase и Aphis fabae Scop. – 19–16 individuals (18–25%). The proportion of aphids directly fed on potatoes and are direct vectors of viruses in 2018 was 37%, in 2019 – 38%. The proportion of potential vectors of infection due to test injections in 2018 was 31%, in 2019 – 44%.

Key words: potatoes, infectious background, winged aphids, viral diseases, species composition, summer aphid dynamics

Shamanin A.A., research fellow of the crop production laboratories, Primorsky branch of the FSBI of Science of the Federal Research Center for Integrated Arctic Research named after the academician N.P. Laverov of the Russian Academy of Sciences – «Archangel Research Institute of Agriculture» (Primorsky branch of FCIARctic – ARIA). E-mail: lexxik_l@mail.ru

Popova L.A., Cand. Sci. (Econom.), senior research fellow, Primorsky branch of FCIARctic – ARIA. E-mail: arhniish@mail.ru

Berim M.N., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), senior research fellow, Federal State Budget Research Institute All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Protection (ARRIPP). E-mail: berim_m@mail.ru

Golovina L.N., senior research fellow, Primorsky branch of FCIARctic – ARIA. E-mail: arhniish@mail.ru

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For citing: Shamanin A.A., Popova L.A., Berim M.N., Golovina L.N. Species composition and the number of aphids on seed potato in the Arkhangelsk region. Potato and vegetables. 2020. No7. Pp. 20-23. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.39.93.002 (In Russ.).

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