Technologies and techniques for irrigating potatoes in the Russian Federation

UDC 631.63.52

Ol’garenko G.V., Bulgakov V.I., Kapustina T.A., Medvedeva E.V.

The purpose of the research is to substantiate and develop scientific and methodological recommendations on potato irrigation technologies and techniques that ensure the rational use of integral resources, the bioclimatic potential of natural and climatic zones of the Russian Federation and the environmental safety of agricultural production. Theoretical, information-analytical, statistical and socio-economic research methods were used in conducting research work. Scientific and statistical studies, retrospective analysis and evaluation of the results of irrigation development and efficiency were carried out on the basis of the study of scientific and methodological and regulatory and technical materials available in the public domain, as well as scientific publications, the results of scientific and technical activities of research and educational organizations. The methods and algorithms developed by the Federal State Research Institution All-Russia Scientific and Research Institute for Irrigation and Farming Water Supply Systems «Raduga» were used in the work on the basis of scientific and production and information and analytical studies of agricultural irrigation regimes. crops and testing in the design and operation of irrigation systems over the past 30 years, in various natural and climatic zones of the country. Normalization and calculation of irrigation regimes were carried out on the basis of determination of total water consumption (total evaporation), using the bioclimatic method. When calculating this indicator, zonal bioclimatic coefficients Сbi were used, which reflect the biological rhythms of plant growth and development during the growing season. As a result, a methodology for rationing water consumption and irrigation of potato agrobiocenoses was substantiated and developed, including a methodology for assessing and zoning the territory according to the coefficient of natural heat and moisture availability of (Cma), methods, databases, algorithms and computational models for determining evapotranspiration and irrigation regimes of potatoes. The main nomenclature of technical means and irrigation equipment meeting the modern level of scientific and technological development, which can be used for potato irrigation, is presented. Planning and implementation of irrigation norms differentiated in space and time will ensure the rational use of water resources, will lead to a reduction in the cost of operating irrigation systems, increase production efficiency and improve the environmental situation in irrigated agriculture.

Key words: irrigation technologies, evaporability, total water consumption, irrigation planning, irrigation norms and regimes, irrigation rate, soil moisture, natural moisture coefficient

Olgarenko G.V., D.Sci. (Agr.), prof., corresponding member of the RAS, chief research fellow. E-mail:

Bulgakov V.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow. E-mail:

Kapustina T.A., Cand. Sci. (Techn.), leading research fellow. E-mail:

Medvedeva E.V., research fellow. E-mail:

Federal State Research Institution All-Russia Scientific and Research Institute for Irrigation and Farming Water Supply Systems «Raduga»

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For citing: Technologies and techniques for irrigating potatoes in the Russian Federation. G.V. Ol’garenko, V.I. Bulgakov, T.A. Kapustina, E.V. Medvedeva. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No6. Pp. 26-29. (In Russ.).


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