UDC 635.21 (571.53)
N.I. Bolsheshapova, I.N. Abramova, Y.V. Boyarkin, S.P. Burlov.
The assessment of the current level of development of potato and vegetable industry in the Irkutsk region. Sown areas, yield, gross harvest of potatoes and vegetables in the region are considered. Recommendations for improvement of potato and vegetable growing industry in Irkutsk region are given.
Keywords: potato growing, vegetable growing, yield, gross harvest, acreage.
N.I. Bolsheshapova, post-graduate student, Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy. E-mail: nade1982@mail.ru
I.N. Abramova, PhD, assoc. prof., Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy. E-mail: irinanikabramova@mail.ru
Y.V. Boyarkin, PhD, assoc. prof., Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy. E-mail: boyarkinevgenii@mail.ru
S.P. Burlov, PhD, assoc. prof., Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after Ezhevskiy
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For citing: Bolsheshapova N.I., Abramova I.N., Boyarkin Y.V., Burlov S.P. Current state of potato and vegetable growing in Irkutsk region. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No12. Pp. 12-14.