Problems and challenges of the development of vegetable growing in the Novosibirsk region

UDC 635.21 (571.53)

Potapov N.A., Potapov P.N.

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the principles of the development of the regional vegetable growing in the current conditions. The overview of the challenges and perspectives of the development of the vegetable growing field in the Novosibirsk region during the last five years is presented. Despite active development of the field all the categories of the farming units did not reach the necessary volume of the vegetable production per capita (the produced volume of 57 kg per capita is three times below the norm). The practices of agricultural organizations and farming units in the field of the vegetable production in the open field and protected ground were reviewed. During the five years the vegetable production increased twofold. The area under crops and gross harvest of the open field and protected ground vegetables are used as the main criteria of the evaluation of the produced yield. The significant increase of the are under crops is observed – the sharp spike in production was registered in 2016 (700 ha) compared to 500 ha, which were cultivated in 2015. In the following period the quantity of the received produce was increasing owing to the quality of processing and the agro techniques used, and not due to the increased acreage. The lowest yields (23,56 t/ha) were recorded in 2016, due to the fact that during the increase of the area under crops the producers did not put the additional funds in the production (watering, fertilizer application, crop protection). Starting from 2017, the adjustment of the situation is recorded (the figures increased up to 31,10 t/ha), in 2019 the yield increased up to 36,10 t/ha. In order to receive good figures of the gross harvest, the vegetable producers must use modern planting material, choose effective fertilizers and crop protection treatments. The article describes the role of the greenhouse complexes in the vegetable production and development of the food market. The result of the consistent construction of the greenhouse complexes is the significant increase of the volume of the vegetables of the protected ground. In 2019 this figure amounted to 41,6 thousand t. Judging by the practices of 2020, the surplus produce (produce of protected ground cucumbers) was shipped to the neighboring regions of the Novosibirsk Region and to the Far East. Also the article references the challenges, the solution of which can become the means to advance the vegetable production field in the Novosibirsk district.

Key words: vegetable growing, acreage, gross harvest, Novosibirsk region.

Potapov N.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), director ZAO SHP «Michurinets». E-mail:

Potapov P.N., master's degree student, 35.03.04 «Agronomics», Novosibirsk state agrarian university, executive director ООО ATF «Agros». E-mail:

  1. Analytical data on state of agrarian industry of Novosibirsk region, Ministry of agriculture of Novosibirsk region. [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 6.11.2020. (In Russ.).
  2. Ministry of health of Russian Federation [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 6.11.2020 (In Russ.).
  3. Novosibirsk region (Russia) provides itself with greenhouse vegetables, EastFruit – an analytical platform for the growth of the fruit and vegetable business. [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 4.11.2020 (In Russ.).
  4. Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Novosibirsk Region (Novosibirsk State Statistics Service) [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 4.11.2020 (In Russ.).
  5. Chernova S.G. State and prospects of vegetable growing development in the Siberian Federal District. Siberian Bulletin of Agricultural Science. 2018. Vol. 48. No1. Pp. 99–105 (In Russ.).


For citing: Potapov N.A., Potapov P.N. Problems and challenges of the development of vegetable growing in the Novosibirsk region. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No3. Pp. 9-12. (In Russ.).

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