Analysis of seed tape technology on vegetable crops

UDC 635–153:631.53.043

Yanchenko A.V., Fedosov A.Yu., Azopkov M.I.,Menshikh A.M., Golubovich V.S., Yanchenko E.V.

The technology of sowing seed tapes is an innovative approach to cultivating vegetable crops based on the use of soluble seed carrier materials. This method provides an increase in the yield of vegetable crops, forming an optimal standing density due to precise control of the distance between the seeds in the tape. Various materials are used to manufacture seed tapes. Agricultural plastic film is a suitable material for the manufacture of such tapes, since it is durable and does not interfere with germination. However, its widespread use leads to environmental pollution, so the choice of material for creating seed tapes is in favor of choosing materials that can decompose in natural conditions. The technology of sowing seeds on a tape saves seeds, simplifies sowing and reduces labor costs, which makes it useful in agriculture. Despite some disadvantages, farmers can effectively use it, taking into account the pros and cons. Technological sowing of seeds on a tape in large farms allows to reduce labor costs. Since the sowing process is simplified, less effort is required to perform it, ensuring the versatility of the seed drills used for sowing seeds on a tape. This article analyzes modern technologies of direct seeding and changes in the sowing qualities of vegetable seeds, in particular, table carrots, placed on a tape. Placing seeds of different varieties of table carrots on a paper tape gave a positive effect on their laboratory germination, with the exception of the Nantes and Losinoostrovskaya 13 varieties, on which germination slightly decreased after placing the seeds on a tape. Seeds of the Rexi and Royal Forto table carrot varieties increased laboratory germination by 7 and 8%, respectively, when using the new technology.

Key words: seed tape, direct sowing, seed germination, vegetable crops.

Yanchenko A.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow FSBSI Federal Scientific Center of Vegetables. E-mail:

Fedosov A.Yu., junior research fellow, All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – a branch of the FSBSI Federal Scientific Center of Vegetables (ARRIVG – a branch of FSCV). E-mail:

Azopkov M.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow, ARRIVG – a branch of FSCV. E-mail:

Menshikh A.M., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, ARRIVG – a branch of FSCV. E-mail:

Golubovich V.S., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow, ARRIVG – a branch of FSCV. E-mail:

Yanchenko E.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, ARRIVG – a branch of FSCV. E-mail:

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For citing: Analysis of seed tape technology on vegetable crops. A.V. Yanchenko, A.Yu. Fedosov, M.I. Azopkov, A.M. Menshikh, V.S. Golubovich, E.V. Yanchenko. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No5. Pp. 17-21. (In Russ.).

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