Breeding of the initial material for the breeding of F1 hybrids of cherry tomatoes with a different fruit colors

UDC 635.64:631.527

Topinskii A.I., Gavrish S.F., Redichkina T.A.

The expansion of the range of F1 hybrids of cherry tomatoes with unusual fruit color options available to producers, as well as the loyalty and interest of consumers in such forms, requires domestic breeders to create competitive F1 hybrids with alternative fruit color options. In this regard, the goal of our work was to create source material for the selection of F1 hybrids of cherry tomatoes with a new fruit color. Experimental research work was carried out in 2020–2023 at the Gavrish-Slobodskoy breeding center (Pavlovskaya Sloboda village, Istrinsky district, Moscow region). Based on the results of this work, it was found that the greatest phenotypic variability in fruit color can be observed when crossing the following breeding samples: with purple-yellow and red-brown colors (k-1399/20); yellow-green and red-brown (k-1405/20); yellow-green and red (k-1414/20). The initial material of cherry-shaped tomato with fruit coloration phenotypically completely different from both parental lines was selected: with green – 1399–69, 1399–72, 1405–57, 1405–58 and 1405–59; with purple – 1399–76 and 1399–78; with orange-purple – 1400–73 and 1400–79. The efficiency of hybridization between samples with different fruit colors as a method for creating initial material with a high content of dry soluble substances in fruits was confirmed. Thus, the following samples were selected, corresponding in phenotype and color to the parent component, but surpassing it in the content of dry soluble substances in the fruits: 1397–72, 1397–74, 1397–80, 1400–13, 1400–58, 1408–70, 1408–71 and 1408–76

Key words: cherry tomato, coloring, pigments, inheritance, content of dry soluble substances.

Topinskii A.I. (author for correspondence), research fellow, Research Institute of Vegetable Crops Breeding Ltd., applicant of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center

Gavrish S.F., D.Sci (Agr.)., professor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gavrish company

Redichkina T.A., Cand. Sci. (Arg.), director of Research Institute of Vegetable Crops Breeding Ltd

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For citing: Topinskii A.I., Gavrish S.F., Redichkina T.A. Breeding of the initial material for the breeding of F1 hybrids of cherry tomatoes with a different fruit colors. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No5. Pp. 29-35. (In Russ.).

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