Import substitution in vegetable seed production: problems and ways to solve them

UDC 631.145:631.531.02

Leunov V.I., Derbenskiy V.I., Rezvyi G.I.

The development of domestic selection and seed production of vegetable crops forms one of the important foundations of the country’s food security. In recent years, domestic seed production of vegetable crops has seriously deteriorated its position against the backdrop of a significant increase in the import of foreign seeds. The failure of the state policy of seed production of the entire industry on the part of the responsible departments and services of the country is obvious. Today, selection, seed production, and vegetable variety testing have turned out to be disorganized, without participation in the processes of trade unions and without clear state regulation of the activities of the existing numerous ones commercial organizations. Ignoring by state (federal and regional) bodies of persistent demands from the professional community of vegetable seed growers to create special seed zones for vegetable crops, provide real support to domestic producers and form a fair and transparent legal framework for the industry – became the starting points that, along with others, led the industry into a state of depression. The entry into force on September 1, 2023 of the Federal Law «On Seed Production» No. 454-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law «On Seed Production”) and 30 of the 41 by-laws planned for release makes the revival and development of Russian seed production even more uncertain. According to experts, success in these areas can only be achieved with a systematic approach from all interested parties, real systemic support for the industry from federal and regional services and departments, as well as with the consent of private foreign and Russian seed companies to transfer commercial production of vegetable seeds from global zones seed production in special seed production zones, hereinafter referred to as (SSZ), planned for creation on the territory of the country. The purpose of writing this article is to determine the importance of special seed zones, government programs, initiatives of non-state unions, actions of seed market operators and other factors for the implementation of import substitution.

Key words: seed production, selection, vegetable crops, special seed growing zones, legislation.

Leunov V.I., D.Sc., professor, chairman of the Board of Directors of AIRSC. E-mail:

Derbenskiy V.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.). associate professor, executive director of AIRSC

Rezvyi G.I., lawyer of AIRSC

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  4. Federal Law No. 454-FZ dated December 30, 2021 «On Seed Production». [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 30.08.2024
  5. Resolution of the Russian Federation dated 05/16/2023 No. 754 «On approval of the Rules for localization of seed production of agricultural plants in the territory of the Russian Federation» [Web resource]. URL: / Date of request: 30.08.2024.
  6. Resolution of the Russian Federation dated 03.10.2022 No. 1758 «On Approval of the Regulations on Federal State Control (supervision) in the field of seed production in relation to seeds of agricultural plants and invalidation of Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation». [Web resource]. URL: / Access date: 30.08.2024.
  7. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 814 dated October 26, 2023 «On approval of the form of the genetic passport». [Web resource]. / Access date: 30.08.2024.
  8. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 20 dated 01/21/2020 «On Approval of the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation». [Web resource]. / Access date: 30.08.2024.
  9. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2022 No. 3835-r «On approval of the List of genera and species of agricultural plants, the production and cultivation of which is aimed at ensuring food security of the Russian Federation, varieties and hybrids of which are subject to inclusion in the State Register of Varieties and Hybrids of agricultural Plants approved for Use.» [Web resource]. / Access date: 30.08.2024.
  10. Federal Law No. 485-FZ dated August 4, 2023 «On Amendments to the Federal Law On Seed Production and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation». [Web resource]. Access date: 30.08.2024.
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  12. Resource of Potato and vegetables journal on Yandex Dzen. [Web resource]. Access date: 30.08.2024.


For citing: Leunov V.I., Derbenskiy V.I., Rezvyi G.I. Import substitution in vegetable seed production: problems and ways to solve them. Potato and vegetables. No5. Pp. 12-16. (In Russ.).

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