Baby leaf in open ground

UDC 635.4

Ivanova M.I., Surikhina T.N., Fedosov Yu.A.

Recently, young leafy greens (seedlings, baby leaf) have become increasingly popular. The seedling production sector consists of producers; producers-processors; producers supplying processors; and processing companies. All these links require accurate information about the harvest date and yield forecasts in order to meet demand. In Russia, few farmers are just starting to produce this category of products. Lettuce, arugula, indau, spinach and corn lettuce (Valerianella locusta L.), pak choy (Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis (L.) Hanelt.), mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.), etc. The requirements of crops grown to produce baby leaf products for growing conditions (day length, agrophysical properties of the soil, its acidity, salinity threshold, structure and properties of the seedbed, plant nutrition), technology of their growing in the open ground: features of sowing, including mechanized, density of standing, timing from sowing to harvesting products, methods of weed control. The characteristic of the most common physiological disorders in these crops is given: salt trauma, cold edema, frost damage, and ways to avoid unwanted guttation are presented. The harvesting technology features are described: the optimal time of day for harvesting, harvesting methods, the optimal composition of the mixture for sale. The causes of the decrease in product quality after harvesting are presented.

Key words: baby leaf, seedlings, technology

Ivanova M.I., D.Sci (Agr.), professor RAS, chief research fellow, the sector of breeding and seed production of onion crops. E-mail:

Surikhina T.N., junior research fellow at the Laboratory of Economics and Development of Industry Standards. E-mail:

Fedosov A.Yu., junior research fellow, department of industrial technologies and innovations. E-mail:

All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – a branch of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetables” (ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC)

  1. Ivanova M.I., Surikhina T.N. The size and growth trends of the leafy vegetables market. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No3. Pp. 17–22. (In Russ.).
  2. Innovative specific products: organic sprouts (microgreens) and seedlings (baby leaves). M.I. Ivanova, A.I. Kashleva, V.V. Michailov, O.A. Razin. Vegetable crops of Russia. 2016. No1. Pp. 29–33. (In Russ.)
  3. Aspects of agrotechnology of the perennial wall-rocket in open ground. A.V. Litnetskii, M.I. Ivanova, A.I. Kashleva, D.N. Baleev, A.F. Bukharov, V.V. Mikhailov, N.L. Devochkina. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No1. Pp. 16–18 (In Russ.).
  4. Traditional and new technologies for producing salad crops: structure of costs. M.I. Ivanova, A.F. Bukharov, A.F. Razin, A.I. Kashleva. Vegetable crops of Russia. 2020. No3. Pp. 21–30. (In Russ.)
  5. The Physiology of Senescence in Detached Pak Choy Leaves (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) during Storage at Different Temperatures. A.J. Able, L.S. Wong, A. Amikha Prasad, and T.J. O’Hare. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2005. No35. Pp. 271–278.


For citing: Ivanova M.I., Surikhina T.N., Fedosov Yu.A. Baby leaf in open ground. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No4. Pp. 14-17. (In Russ.).

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