UDC 635.64:635–152
Ognev V.V., Avdeenko S.S., Gabibova E.N.
The main crops that suffer the most when grown in one place for many years are tomatoes and cucumbers. Historically, the problem was solved by applying increased doses of organic fertilizers. But at present, this is not possible due to the lack of an available source of such fertilizers. The main goal of the research was to determine the possibility of using catch crops when growing for green manure to solve the problems of monoculture in the cultivation of tomatoes and cucumbers in open and protected ground. The research was carried out at the Rostovsky Breeding and Seed Center of the Poisk Agrofirm. The experimental site is located in the Azov zone of the Rostov region. The crops were grown on drip irrigation with fertigation. The total dose of fertilizers applied under tomatoes is N120P120K120, for cucumber – N90P90K90. The material for the research was F1 hybrids of Donskoy tomato and Express cucumber. The scheme of experiments included the following options: 1. Monoculture of tomato or cucumber; 2. Monoculture of tomato or cucumber and sowing of white mustard on green manure, 3. Monoculture of tomato or cucumber and sowing of oats and peas on green manure; 4. Monoculture of tomato or cucumber and triticale sowing on green manure. Before the onset of autumn frosts, green manure was mowed and ploughed into the soil. The yield of main and catch crops, the development of diseases, marketability and quality of the harvest on the main crops for 3 years from 2014 to 2016 were evaluated. An increase in the yield and quality of tomato and cucumber products with the use of catch crops for green manure has been established. The positive effect was cumulative and intensified over the years. There was a gradual decrease in the incidence of tracheomycosis in the plants of the main crops. The most noticeable was the reduction in root rot damage to tomato and cucumber plants. The effect of crops such as oats with peas and triticale on green manure when they were ploughed turned out to be more effective.
Key words: monoculture, tomato, cucumber, green manure.
Ognev V.V. (author for correspondence), Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Associate professor of Donskoy State Agrarian University (DSAU), Director of the Rostovsky Seed Breeding Center of the Poisk Agrofirm. E-mail: ognevvv@bk.ru
Avdeenko S.S., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Associate professor of DSAU
Gabibova E.N., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Associate professor of DSAU
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For citing: Ognev V.V., Avdeenko S.S., Habibova E.N. Use of catch crops for green manure when growing cucumber and tomato in open and protected ground. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No10. Pp. 16-18. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.15.67.004 (In Russ.).