Ways to stimulate the germination of seeds for micro-greens

UDC 635–153

Lebedeva N.N., Devochkina N.L.

The purpose of the research is to develop technological parameters for growing microgreens using innovative technology elements (UV radiation treatment and biologics) that ensure the production of environmentally safe products. The research was carried out in 2021–2022 in the laboratory of the Department of Protected Soil and Mushroom Growing of ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSCVG. Biologically safe ways to stimulate seed germination have been studied. These include the treatment of seeds by the dry method – UV radiation, as well as the treatment of seeds by the wet method, namely, soaking seeds in solutions of biological products such as Yantarin, Ammonium humate, Zircon and Vitaplan, SP. As an object of research, a domestic variety of Carmelite radish, two varieties of table beet – Detroit and Nesravnennaya A463 and a variety of vegetable peas – Ilovetsky were used. Microgreens were grown at a temperature of 20–25 °C and a sixteen-hour photoperiod on a multi-tiered hydroponic installation. A jute substrate was used as a substrate. The experiments are laid down in three repetitions of four repetitions. To reduce the infection rate of micro-green seeds, as well as to stimulate seed germination, three exposures of UV radiation treatment (15, 30 and 45 minutes) were studied: 1. Control (seeds without treatment); 2. UV (15 minutes); 3. UV (30 minutes); 4. UV (45 min). To study ways to stimulate germination of micro-green seeds in a wet way, they were treated with solutions of Yantarin, Ammonium humate, Zircon and Vitaplan, SP. Stimulating seed germination in a wet way is suitable for crops with medium and large seed sizes, such as beets, peas, radishes. For small-seeded crops, from the point of view of technology, rational treatment with UV radiation. To effectively reduce the infection rate of vegetable crops when growing microgreens and in order to stimulate germination, it should be treated with UV radiation with an exposure of 30 minutes. In order to stimulate seed germination and accelerate their growth and development, depending on the culture, solutions of Yantarin (peas) and Ammonium humate (beets) should be used.

Key words: microgreens, seeds, biostimulants, Yantarin, Ammonium humate, UV radiation

Lebedeva N.N., research fellow of Department of protected soil and mushroom growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSCV. E-mail: netta.77@mail.ru

Devochkina N.L., D. Sci. (Agr.), chief research fellow, head of Department of protected soil and mushroom growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSCV. E-mail: vniioh@yandex.ru

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For citing: Lebedeva N.N., Devochkina N.L. Ways to stimulate the germination of seeds for micro-greens. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No5. Pp. 29-32. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.70.33.004 (In Russ.).

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