Domestic selection is the basis for import substitution of white cabbage in the Russian Federation

UDC 635.342:631.524.85

Kostenko G.A..

White cabbage is one of the crops included in the list of food security in the Russian Federation. The State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for cultivation in the Russian Federation contains 463 items: hybrids of foreign companies occupy 53.7%, developments of domestic selection in the State Register – 46.3%. Cabbage is cultivated on an industrial basis in almost all regions of the country. The leaders are the Central, North Caucasus and Volga Federal Districts. Each region has its own set of cabbage hybrids. The market dictates the hybrid models in demand among end buyers for early, mid-late and late cabbage. Prices for cabbage change annually and throughout the year and can vary significantly. Selection work in the Poisk Agro Firm for cabbage has been carried out for 17 years. Hybrids are created with different ripening periods and economic purposes, in demand on the market, comparable or superior to foreign analogues. The main direction in the selection of the Poisk Agro Firm company is focused on creating hybrids with a growing season of 115 days or more for processing and consumption within 2–3 months after harvesting and with a growing season of 130–140 days for long-term storage of 6–8 months. Hybrids F1 Univers,F1 Poisk 2018, F1 Gertsoginya, F1 Orfei are in demand on the market and are precisely such Russian import-substituting products. The company faces a serious task of meeting the growing demand for seeds. The main thing in import substitution is the possession of your own high-quality, competitive genetic material. Today we can safely say that such genetic material is in the company Poisk and it allows you to increase your market share annually, and accordingly ensures a constant growth of the areas occupied by the company's hybrids.

Key words: white cabbage, hybrid, import substitution, selection, commercial vegetable growing.

Kostenko G.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, ARRIVG – a branch of the FSBSI FSCVG, breeder of the Poisk Agro Firm. E-mail:

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  6. Kostenko G.A., Khovrin A.N. Productivity of domestic white cabbage hybrids at different planting densities // Potato and vegetables. 2021. No12. Pp. 35–37. DOI: 10.25630/PAV.2021.62.72.007 (In Russ.).
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For citing: Kostenko G.A. Domestic selection is the basis for import substitution of white cabbage in the Russian Federation // Potato and vegetables. 2023. No11. Pp. 37–40. (In Russ.).

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