F1 Kristall – a medium-ripened carrots hybrid

UDC 635.132:631.526.32

Kosenko M.A.

The purpose of the research: to evaluate the potential of a new hybrid of table carrots F1 Kristall of domestic breeding, meeting the modern requirements of commodity production. The research was carried out in 2021–2022 in open ground conditions in the selection crop rotation of the Poisk company (Moscow region). The object of the study were hybrids of carrots of the Chantenay variety type, selection of the company Poisk (F1 Kristall); ARRIVG – branch of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Centre (F1 Krasnogor'e); Bejo (F1 Kaskad, F1 Kesena, F1 Karson). The soil of the experimental site belongs to the type of alluvial meadow, medium loamy, saturated, moisture-intensive. The depth of the arable layer is 27 cm, the depth of groundwater is more than 2 m. According to the totality of physico-chemical properties, this type of soil is suitable for the cultivation of table carrots. Sowing was carried out in the second decade of May on single-row plots with an area of 2.1 m2. The width of the aisle is 70 cm. Immediately after sowing, the soil was treated with a selective pre-emergence herbicide Stomp at a dose of 3 l/ha with a working fluid flow rate of 200 l/ha. During the growing season, row-to-row cultivation was carried out. Carrots were harvested in mid-september manually with preliminary mechanized digging with a brace. A new promising medium-ripened hybrid of F1 Kristall canteen carrots has been created and evaluated. The rosette of leaves is semi-spreading. The leaf is of medium length, green, medium-cut. The root crop is of medium length, wide, the surface is slightly ribbed, conical in shape with a weak shoot and a slightly pointed base (Chantenay variety type). The shape of the shoulders is from flat to rounded, anthocyanin color is available, the greening of the shoulders is very small. The core and bark are orange. The weight of the root crop is 119–170 g. The taste qualities are good and excellent. The dry matter content is 11.0%, total sugar – 6.8%, carotene up to 17.0 mg per 100.0 g of raw matter.

Key words: carrots, hybrid, yield, marketability.

Kosenko M.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow of department of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, breeder of the Poisk Agrofirm. E-mail: m. a.kosenko@yandex.ru

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For citing: Kosenko M.A. F1 Kristall – a medium-ripened carrots hybrid. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No9. Pp. 37-40. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.82.24.007 (In Russ.).

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