World potato production: market trends, forecasts and prospects (analytical review)

UDC 635.21:631.1

Anisimov B.V.

The article considers the current trends of the world potato market in connection with the changing situation over the past decades in the field of production, the structure of the intended use and consumption of potatoes and its role in modern agro-food systems of different countries and regions of the world. The analysis was carried out on the basis of world statistics data, materials from various databases and Internet sources (Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, RSCI, etc.), as well as author's works published in recent years in well-known international publications (Springer, Wageningen Academic Publishers, etc.) According to FAO estimates, the area of potato cultivation in the world is 19 million hectares, and the total world potato production is estimated at 378 million tons. Food consumption accounts for about two-thirds of the potato crop (64%), 12% for animal feed, 21% for seed and other purposes. Since 2005, the total volume of potato production in developing countries for the first time exceeded the established indicators of potato production in developed economies. In Latin America, the largest potato producers are Peru (4.7 million tons) and Colombia (2.8 million tons). In North America (USA, Canada), the total potato production is 24.4 million tons. The United States is traditionally among the top five world leaders in terms of potato production (20 million tons). In the EU countries, the largest potato producers are traditionally Germany, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Belgium. The dynamic development of the European potato processing industry has largely contributed to maintaining a high level of potato production in this region. Among the countries of Eastern Europe, the leading positions in terms of potato production are occupied by Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland, where per capita consumption traditionally exceeds 90-100 kg per year, while the average for the entire European region is 83.4 kg per inhabitant.

Key words: potatoes, market, production, consumption, target use

Anisimov B.V., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), adviser on the development of scientific and educational programs — head of the educational centre, Russian Potato Research Center. E-mail:

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For citing: Anisimov B.V. World potato production: market trends, forecasts and prospects (analytical review). Potato and vegetables. 2021. No10. Pp. 3-8. (In Russ.).

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