UDC 633.491:631.8
Grebennikova T.V., Vizirskaya M.M., Zhevora S.V., Fedotova L.S., Timoshina N.A., Knyazeva E.V.
The article presents data from field experiments with potatoes for 2020–2022. The experiments were located on soddy-podzolic sandy loamy soil, on the territory of the Korenevo experimental base of Russian Potato Research Centre, Moscow Region. The purpose of the research is to study the reaction of potato varieties: Zhukovsky ranniy, Meteor (super early), Grand (mid-ripening), to foliar top dressing with water-soluble NPK fertilizers of the Aqualis line 13:40:13, 3:11:38 and 18:18:18. Due to 4-fold foliar fertilizing with water-soluble fertilizers of the Aqualis line, the maximum yield increases were obtained for the critical growth phases of potato plants: at Zhukovsky ranniy (2020) 5.8 t/ha (or 11.5%), Meteor – 3.2 t/ha (or 9.7%), Grand – 2.5 t/ha (or 8.1%) to background [N56P56K92 + N100 (nitrate)]. The high efficiency of foliar top dressing (3.2 t/ha or 9.4% on average over 3 years) is explained by the presence of 13:40:13, 3:11:38 and 18:18:18 water-soluble fertilizers of the Aqualis line, in addition to a balanced content basic nutrients, as well as trace elements in chelate form. Foliar 4-fold spraying with water-soluble NPK fertilizers of the Aqualis line led to a balanced crop structure (ratio of size and weight of tubers) both in the Zhukovsky ranniy variety in 2020–2021 and in the two tested potato varieties in 2022. In all years and on all varieties of potatoes, the maximum values of the collection of dry basis (3.5–10.1 t/ha), starch (2.3–7.0 t/ha) and vitamin C (3.8–11. 9 kg/ha) in the variant with foliar top dressing with water-soluble fertilizers of the Aqualis line.
Key words: potatoes, yield, quality, water-soluble fertilizers, Aqualis.
Grebennikova T.V., head of marketing and agrochemical service department, JSC MHK EuroChem
Vizirskaya M.M., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), head of the agrochemical service department. E-mail: mariya.vizirskaya@eurochem.ru, JSC MHK EuroChem
Zhevora S.V., D.Sci. (Agr.), prof., director, Russian Potato Research Centre after A.G. Lorkh
Fedotova L.S., D.Sci. (Agr.), prof., chief research fellow, Russian Potato Research Centre after A.G. Lorkh
Timoshina N.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), head of laboratory, Russian Potato Research Centre after A.G. Lorkh
Knyazeva E.V., senior research fellow, head of scientific team, Russian Potato Research Centre after A.G. Lorkh
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For citing: Efficiency of foliar application with water-soluble fertilizers of the Aqualis line on potatoes. T.V. Grebennikova, M.M. Vizirskaya, S.V. Zhevora, L.S. Fedotova, N.A. Timoshina, E.V. Knyazeva. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No3. Pp. 36-40. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.78.61.006 (In Russ.).