Agrotechnological passport of the potato variety Azart

UDC 635.21:631.526.32

Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I., Solomentsev P.V.

The purpose of the research: to study the reaction of a new medium-early potato variety Azart selection of the Russian Potato Research Centre on the density, planting dates and methods of applying mineral fertilizers, according to a complex of economically valuable characteristics (morphological and biological features, consumer and table qualities of tubers, yield, quality indicators of tubers, resistance to diseases, storage shelf life). The experiments were carried out at the experimental base Korenevo Russian Potato Research Centre (Moscow region) in 2018–2020 on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil with low humus content (1.8–1.9%), high – mobile phosphorus (269–278 mg/kg of soil) and below average – exchangeable potassium (128–130 mg/kg of soil). Mineral fertilizers (azofoska with the addition of kalimagnesia) were applied locally with two ribbons when cutting the ridges with a KRN-4,2 cultivator with tow-raising devices in mid-April. We studied three methods of making: 1. One-time N90P90K135 (control); 2. Fractional-local (starting N60P60K90 + top dressing N30P30K45) 7–10 days after germination; 3. Fractional (starting N30P30K45 + top dressing N30P30K45) 7–10 days after germination + top dressing N30P30K45 in the budding phase. Potato planting was carried out in two terms: early (the third decade of April at a soil temperature of at least 5–7 °C) and basic (control) – 7–10 days after the first term. Tubers weighing 50–80 g were planted with a clone planter CH-4B-K to a depth of 8–10 cm. Three planting densities were studied: 44 (control), 50 and 56 thousand tubers/ha according to the scheme 75×30, 75×27, 75×24 cm. The most effective agrocomplex of techniques has been determined, including early planting (the third decade of April at a soil temperature of at least 5–7 °C) with a density of 44 thousand tubers/ha against the background of fractional-local fertilization (starting N60P60K90 when cutting ridges + top dressing N30P30K45) with row-to-row processing 7–10 days after germination. In the conditions of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone, the variety gives an increase in yield of 3.9 t/ha or 10.3%. At the same time, the conditional income amounted to 39.0 thousand rubles/ha.

Key words: agrotechnological passport, yield, term, planting density, application method, consumer and table qualities, conditional income

Shabanov A.E., Cand. Sci (Agr.), head of the Department of agro-ecological assessment of varieties and hybrids

Kiselev A.I., Cand. Sci (Agr.), senior research fellow of the Department of agro-ecological assessment of varieties and hybrids

Solomentsev P.V., junior research fellow of Department of agro-ecological assessment of varieties and hybrids.

Russian Potato Research Centre E-mail:

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For citing: Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I., Solomentsev P.V. Agrotechnological passport of the potato variety Azart. 2022. No1. Pp. 23-26. (In Russ.).

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