Establishment of optimal terms and methods for growing seed fruits of the new line LZ-2513 squash in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan

UDC 631.53.04

Aripova Sh.R., Dusmuratova S.I.

The study of squash (Cucurbita pepo var. giraumontia) in the natural and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan and the improvement of the technology of growing seed fruits is an important direction of breeding work is to enrich the assortment of vegetable crops and the organization of seed production of this crop. The purpose of the research: to establish the optimal timing of sowing seeds and planting seedlings of a promising line of short-leafed squash LZ-2513 at the spring period of cultivation for seed purposes. The research was carried out in 2016 and 2019 at the experimental site of the Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable and melon crops and Potato of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent district of the Tashkent region). The climate of the region is similar to the conditions of most vegetable farms located in the flat central part of Uzbekistan. The soils of the experimental site are typical loams, cultivated, moisture-intensive, the depth of groundwater is more than 6–7 meters, the amount of humus in the soil is 0.641–0.943%, nitrogen – 0.072–0.121%, phosphorus – 0.130–0.171% and potassium – 1.627–2.206%. Weather conditions in 2016 and 2019 were favorable for the growth and development of squash, with the exception of dry July and August, during which the lack of moisture was compensated by watering. 4 spring sowing and planting dates have been tested (in 2016 – April 3, April 12, April 20 and May 1; in 2019 – April 1, April 10, April 21 and April 30). Two-row plots, 10 m long, layout (140+70)/2×50 cm. The area of the accounting plot is 21.0 m2. 40 plants were placed on each plot, the repetition of the experiment was fourfold. It was found that in the conditions of the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan, the highest yield of seeds from fruits of the LZ-2513 line was established when squash was grown by seedling method in the first decade of April (at the beginning of the first and second decade of April), and with seedless culture – when sowing seeds in early April, which is associated with the most favorable temperature conditions for squash culture.

Key words: squash, line, growing method, sowing time, planting time, seedlings, seeds, fruit weight, size-mass characteristics, seed fruit

Aripova S.R., doctoral student, junior research fellow of the Laboratory of Vegetable and melons Breeding, Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable and melon crops and Potato of the Republic of Uzbekistan. E-mail:

Dusmuratova S.I., D.Sci. (Agr.), Professor of the Department of Vegetable, melon crops and potato, Tashkent State Agrarian University. E-mail:

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For citing: Aripova Sh.R., Dusmuratova S.I. Establishment of optimal terms and methods for growing seed fruits of the new line LZ-2513 squash in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No1. Pp. 29-32. (In Russ.).


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