Breeding of potato in Dagestan

UDC 635.21

Serderov V.K., Atamov B.K., Serderova D.V.

In the natural and climatic conditions of the vertical zonation of the Republic of Dagestan, a field test of over 1,000 potato genotypes of various genetic origin was conducted. The purpose of the study is to study the effectiveness of selective selection of the most promising hybrids for the conditions of the Republic of Dagestan, characterized by a very early – early maturation period for the lowland, medium–late – medium-late for the foothill and medium-early- medium-ripe for the mountainous province with a complex of economically valuable features. Breeding nurseries were laid on the mountain stronghold of the Kurakhsky FANC at an altitude of 2–2.2 thousand meters above the level of the world ocean. Visual assessment of over 1000 hybrids of the first tuberous generation according to morphological characteristics and diseases of tops and tubers, taking into account yield, allowed us to identify more than 80 genotypes with yields exceeding 1000 g/bush and the number of tubers from 11.4 to 14.5 pcs/bush. High efficiency of selective selection exceeding 8.0% was revealed in hybrid populations 2793 (Romano x Bellarosa), 2797 (Meteor x Bellarosa) and 2855 (Vineta x Krepysh). During further field testing of selected hybrids in the nursery of the second year, with severe rejection, 28 hybrids of early and medium-early maturation periods were identified, exceeding the yield of the Zhukovsky Early and Nevsky standards by 1.7–3.4 times and 1.6–3.2 times, respectively. Successful field testing of potato hybrids allowed us to select genotypes with high productive potential for accelerated creation of new promising varieties adapted to the conditions of vertical zonation of the Republic of Dagestan.

Key words: potato, breeding, hybrids, maturation period, economically valuable signs, vertical zonation

Serderov V.K., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, Fruit and Vegetable Growing Department of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan. E-mail:

Atamov B.K., junior research fellow, Fruit and Vegetable Growing Department of the Federal Agrarian Research Center of the Republic of Dagestan

Serderova D.V., junior research fellow, Fruit and Vegetable Growing Department of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan

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For citing: Serderov V.K., Atamov B.K., Serderova D.V. Breeding of potato in Dagestan. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No5. Pp. 25-28. (In Russ.).

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