Assessment of the suitability of new varieties and hybrids for processing into French fries

UDC 635.21:664.2

Degovtsov V.E.

The purpose of this study is to assessment new promising varieties and hybrids for their suitability for processing into French fries in comparison with similar foreign varieties. The studies were conducted in 2022–2023 at two agricultural farms in the Tambov (Yu.N. Zelenov farm) and Bryansk (Melensky Kartofel LLC) regions. Six varieties and hybrids potentially suitable for the production of French fries bred by the A.G. Lorkh Federal Research Center of Potatoes were used as material for the study: Vostorg, Fobos, Extra, Hybrid 2, Hybrid 8 and Hybrid 12. The area of the experimental was 100 m2 of each variety. The yield, average tuber length, dry matter content and color index of the product were recorded on August 1, August 16 and September 5. The technology for growing potato varieties in agricultural enterprises included autumn plowing to a depth of 32–35 cm, spring milling or cultivation to 20 cm with subsequent cutting of ridges to achieve a tuber planting depth of 18 cm. The N: P: K ratio was 230:132:300 (Tambov) and 207:72:372 (Bryansk), based on soil fertility. Planting was carried out in the 2nd-3rd ten-day period of April with a density of 36 thousand tubers/ha. Drip irrigation was used on the site. The varieties bred by HZPS Sadokas Challenger (Tambov) and Innovator (Bryansk) were used as control varieties. During the assessment of six new promising varieties and hybrids bred by the A.G. Lorkh Federal Research Center of Potatoes for their suitability for processing into French fries in the conditions of the Tambov and Bryansk regions, it was found that the Vostorg and Hybrid 2 varieties meet the complex of economically useful characteristics to the greatest extent, surpassing foreign similar varieties. The Extra variety does not meet the requirements for suitability for processing into French fries at two production sites due to its low dry matter content and high color index, and the Fobos variety does not meet the requirements due to its low average tuber length and high color index. Regarding Hybrids 8 and 12, the first hybrid produces low yields, and the second hybrid produces insufficient average tuber length.

Key words: potatoes, varieties and hybrids, suitability for processing into fries, color index of the product

Degovtsov V.E., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), junior research fellow. FSBSI Federal research centre for potato after A.G. Lorkh. E-mail:

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For citing: Degovtsov V.E. Assessment of the suitability of new varieties and hybrids for processing into French fries. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No5. Pp. 22-24. (In Russ.).

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