Features of cultivation of two potato crops

UDC 635.21

Gasparyan I.N.

The purpose of the research is to study the peculiarities of cultivation of two harvests during the growing season of early potato varieties in the conditions of the Moscow region. The experiments were laid in 2018–2021 at the Educational, scientific and production Center «Vegetable Experimental Station of the RGAU – MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev». The varieties Meteor, Zhukovsky, Luck, Bullfinch, Red Scarlett were planted. Tubers of medium fraction (40–80 g), large fraction (more than 80 g), elite were used for planting. Landing dates: 1) When the soil is warmed up to 6–8 °C (usually in late April – early May); 2) July 15–16. Variants of the first harvest: 1) The average fraction without germination; 2) Medium fraction with germination; 3) Large fraction with germination. The second planting was carried out immediately after harvesting the first one on the vacant place with sprouted planting material of the same varieties last year. Options for planting the second crop: 1) Control; 2) Glauconite sands (30 g/bush); 3) Glauconite sands (20 g/bush). A natural mineral (glauconite) with microaggregate grains ranging in size from 0.01 to 0.8 mm was used. To obtain two harvests of early potato varieties, the first planting should be carried out as early as possible when the soil is warmed up to at least 6–8 °C (for the conditions of the Moscow region, as a rule, in April-May); the second planting should be carried out after harvesting the first planting in the vacant place (taking into account crop rotation) in mid-July. At the first planting, the use of large sprouted planting material, depending on the variety, increases the number of shoots by 12.5–25.0%, yield – by 11–36%; during the second planting, the use of sprouted planting material of medium fraction with the introduction of glauconite sands into the planting bed at a rate of 20 g/bush, depending on the variety, increases the number of shoots by 21.0–47%, yield – by 7–31%.

Key words: potatoes, varieties, productivity, fractional composition

Gasparyan I.N., D.Sci. (Agr.), chief research fellow of the Laboratory of the Geographical Network of Experiments, Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry. E-mail: irina150170@yandex.ru
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For citing: Gasparyan I.N. Features of cultivation of two potato crops. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No10. Pp. 28-32. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.53.64.005 (In Russ.).

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