Photosynthetic activity and yield of potato varieties of different ripeness in a double cropping culture

UDC 631.491:631.559:631.52

Ostonakulov T.E., Shamsiev A.A.

The purpose of the research is a comprehensive assessment of the collection of ultra-early, early and medium-early potato varieties according to the germination of freshly harvested tubers, plant growth and development, stem formation, leaf surface formation, their photosynthetic potential, productivity indicators, total and commercial yields. The research was carried out in 2022–2023 in the conditions of old-irrigated meadow-gray soils of the Samarkand scientific experimental station Samarkand Science and Research Station of Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables Crops, Melons and Potatoes. The depth of groundwater in the experimental area is 4–5 m, the soils are medium loamy in terms of mechanical composition. The humus content in the arable layer is 0.98%, in a solution of aqueous extract pH 7.1, the volume mass of the soil is 1.30–1.32 g/cm3, gross nitrogen is 0.14%, phosphorus is 0.23%, potassium is 2.05%, nitrate nitrogen is 4.83–5.46 mg/kg, mobile phosphorus is 19.80 mg/kg, exchangeable potassium – 209 mg/kg. In the experiment, 37 potato varieties were studied (14 of them ultra-early, 16 – early, 7 – medium-early) by summer planting with freshly harvested tubers in repeated culture. The studied potato varieties during summer planting with freshly harvested tubers differ significantly in germination of seed tubers, formation of tops, stems, leaf surface, photosynthetic potential during planting, as well as in commercial yield. The largest yield of commercial tubers (29.1–35.1 t/ha) was obtained from varieties from the ultra-early group – Latona (29.1 t/ha), Binella (35.1 t/ha), Karatop (32.7 t/ha), Ul'traeshim (33.6); from the early – Arizona (30.6 t/ha), Amerikanets (33.0 t/ha), Yangi Uzbekistan (30.3 t/ha); of the average early ones – Evolution (29.9 t/ha), Pikasso (30.5 t/ha), Sylvana (32.0 t/ha), Saviola (34.3 t/ha). At the same time, the yield increase was 2.6–8.7 t/ha compared to standard potato varieties. The widespread introduction of selected potato varieties in summer planting with freshly harvested tubers makes it possible to obtain a yield of at least 32–35 t /ha and organize local seed production.

Key words: ultra-early varieties, growing season, leaf surface area, tops, productivity, commercial yield

Ostonakulov T.E. (the author for correspondence), D. Sci (Agr.), professor, Samarkand Science and Research Station of Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables Crops, Melons and Potatoes. E-mail:

Shamsiev A.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor, Samarkand Agroinnovation and Research University

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For citing: Ostonakulov T.E., Shamsiev A.A. Photosynthetic activity and yield of potato varieties of different ripeness in a double cropping culture. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No2. Pp. 40-44. (In Russ.).

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