New promising potato cultivars for various use in commercial production

UDC 635.21:631.526.32

Simakov E.A., Anisimov B.V., Mityushkin A.V., Zhuravlev A.A., Mityushkin Al-r V., Gaizatulin A.S., Semenov V.A., Zebrin S.N., Zhuk O.Yu.

The State Register of breeding achievements approved for use in Russia contains 285 domestic potato varieties, among which more than 80 varieties (about 30%) were created by Russian breeding centers of scientific institutions and agricultural enterprises in the period 2017-2023. At the same time, the assortment of table potatoes has been significantly updated due to the replenishment of new promising varieties with improved consumer and culinary qualities of tubers, taking into account the increasing demands of the market. Varieties with an attractive appearance of tubers, a beautiful shape and good alignment are most popular for table use, which largely determines the potential demand and price level for marketable potatoes in retail chains. For the modern potato processing industry, special varieties are offered suitable for the production of various types of potato products in high demand: french fries, crispy potatoes, dry mashed potatoes, as well as ready-to-eat semi-finished products. In order to increase the efficiency of the targeted use of domestic potato varietal resources, as part of the implementation of the strategy for the development of potato breeding and seed production in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, it is planned to increase the share of high-quality certified seed material of the best varieties of domestic breeding to 50-60% of the total volume of seeds produced and sold to ensure potato-growing agricultural enterprises, peasant (farm) farms and individual entrepreneurs with varietal seed materials of the highest quality categories.

Key words: potato cultivars, breeding, seed production, commodity production, processing

Simakov E.A., DSci, chief research fellow

Anisimov B.V., Cand. Sci (Biol.), chief research fellow

Mityushkin A.V., Cand. Sci (Agr.), leading research fellow, head of the laboratory for selection of varieties for processing

Zhuravlev A.A., Cand. Sci (Agr.), senior research fellow

Mityushkin Al-r V., Cand. Sci (Agr.), senior research fellow, experimental gene pool department

Gaizatullin A.S., Cand. Sci (Agr.), research fellow, experimental gene pool department Semenov V.A., research fellow

Zebrin S.N., Cand. Sci (Agr.), leadung research fellow, laboratory of varietal identification and soil control

Zhuk O.Yu., research fellow, laboratory of varietal identification and soil control

Russian Potato Research Centre

  1. Potatoes. Varietal resources, modern agrobiotechnologies, quality regulations: monograph / Edited by B.V. Anisimov, E.A. Simakov. Cheboksary. 2024. 164 p.
  2. Potato breeding and seed production: scientific support and business projects. S.V. Zhevora, E.A. Simakov, B.V. Anisimov, A.V. Mityushkin, A.A. Zhuravlev, S.N. Zebrin. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No4. Pp. 6–10.
  3. Potato growing in Russia: state and prospects in new conditions. E.A. Simakov, B.V. Anisimov, S.V. Zhevora, A.V. Mityushkin, A.A. Zhuravlev, S.N. Zebrin. Potatoes and vegetables. 2022. No4. Pp. 3–6.
  4. Potato Seed Production. Ed. by: S.V. Zhevora, B.V. Anisimov. Springer. 2021. 131 p.
  5. Potato production and innovative technologies. A.J. Haverkort, B.V. Anisimov. The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2007. 422 p.
  6. The Potato Crop. Nutritional and Social Contribution to Human King. Ed. by Hugo Campos, Oscar Ortuz. Lima, Peru. Springer, 2019. 507 p.
  7. Seed production in Russia: innovative technologies, quality regulations, new promising cultivars. Anisimov B.V., Zhevora S.V., Oves E.V. et al. Monograph. Vladikavkaz. Ir. 2022. 119 p.


For citing: New promising potato cultivars for various use in commercial production. E.A. Simakov, B.V. Anisimov, A.V. Mityushkin, A.A. Zhuravlev, Al. V. Mityushkin, A.S. Gaizatulin, V.A. Semenov, S.N. Zebrin, O.Yu. Zhuk. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No2. Pp. 35-39. (In Russ.).

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