Potato diseases: challenge – response

UDC 378: 632.3

Smirnov A.N., Vasil’chenko V.V., Amatkhanova F.Kh., Prikhod’ko E.S., Smirnova O.G., Kuznetsov S.A.

According to the biological, diagnostic, agroecological, marginal and social criteria of danger, it has been established that late blight, spindle tuber viroid, potato associated tracheomycosis wilt (PATW) can be one of the most socially significant and high-profile diseases. These diseases retrospectively and under modern conditions cause epiphytoties. The purpose of the study: to briefly describe the work of leading scientific schools investigating late blight of potato, spindle tuber viroid and PATW. Research objectives: to trace the feedback between the level of development of research schools and the significance of the disease; against the background of modern challenges related to food and environmental safety of the population, to characterize the features and features of the work of these research schools, as well as to assess their contribution to understanding the biology of pathogens and reducing potato losses. The fundamental scientific achievements of phytopathological research schools of XIX, XX and XXI centuries associated with the study of these three potato diseases are characterized. The presence of a pronounced feedback corresponding to the principles of the A.J. Toynbee «challenge – response» between the harmfulness of late blight, spindle tuber viroid, potato associated tracheomycosis and the intensity of research on these diseases, was established. Often, the results of investigations were contradictory and influenced the fates and careers of the researchers conducting them in different ways. The weakening the «challenge» in the form of a decrease in the depression from the disease should not mean a decrease in the intensity of monitoring studies of late blight, spindle tuber viroid, potato associated tracheomycosis pathogens. Otherwise, the lack of operational phytosanitary and population-biological information on pathogens will negatively affect the organization of potato protection from these diseases. Due to the urbanization of agrocenoses, the components of pathocomplexes, which were considered as secondary, receive priority opportunities in the infectious process on potatoes. Therefore, it is necessary to include in phytopathological methods exhaustive characteristics of the components of pathocomplexes, a description of the interactions between them and the influence of agroecological factors on them.

Key words: potato, Phytophthora infestans, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium, late blight of potato, potato spindle tuber viroid, potato associated tracheomycosis wilt

Smirnov A.N., D.Sci. (Biol.), professor of the Department of plant protection, branch of Phytopathology, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU – MTAA). E-mail: asmirnov@rgau-msha.ru

Vasil'chenko V.V., post-graduate student of the Department of plant protection, branch of Phytopathology, RSAU – MTAA. E-mail: vasilcenkoviktoria16@gmail.com

Amatkhanova F.Kh., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), assoc. prof. of the Department of biology, Ingushetia State University. E-mail: fatima6501@mail.ru

Prikhod'ko E.S., post-graduate student of the Department of microbiology and immunology, RSAU – MTAA. E-mail: eprihodko@rgau-msha.ru

Smirnova O.G., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), member of scientific group of the Department of plant protection, branch of Phytopathology, RSAU – MTAA. E-mail: oxsmir1@mail.ru

Kuznetsov S.A., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), member of scientific group of the Department of plant protection, branch of Phytopathology, RSAU – MTAA. E-mail: infosb@mail.ru

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For citing: Potato diseases: challenge – response. A.N. Smirnov, V.V. Vasil’chenko, F.Kh. Amatkhanova, E.S. Prikhod’ko, O.G. Smirnova, S.A. Kuznetsov. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No5. Pp. 26-29. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.75.37.004 (In Russ.).


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