UDC 633.491: 631.8: 632.95
Dorozhkina L.A., Poddymkina L.M.
The article presents the results of research on the effect of Siliplant silicon fertilizer on the intake and degradation of Prestige mordant, Acrobat MC fungicides, Penncozeb, and Sharpey insecticide used in potato planting. It was found that Siliplant activated the intake of imidacloprid and pencycuron in seed tubers when treated with Prestige, increasing their content by 20.6 and 6% respectively. During the budding period of plants, imidacloprid is mainly found in the tops of potatoes. Its maximum amount was found when treating tubers with a mixture of Prestige 0.6 l/t+Siliplant 60 ml/t, it was 45 % higher than when treating tubers with Prestige alone in the norm of 0.75 l/t. The content of imidacloprid in stolons was significantly lower and less of it was received in new tubers. Prestige protected the plants from the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, and other pests until the budding phase. Siliplant also activated the intake of cypermethrin when spraying plants with the insecticide Sharpey. The cypermethrin content in the tops was 46% higher when sprayed with a Sharpey mixture of 0.07 l/ha+Siliplant 1 l/ha, in comparison with the use of one Sharpey at a dose of 0.1 l/ha. The content of the active substances of the fungicides: Acrobat MC and Pennkozeb, Sililant did not have a significant effect. The main amount of dimethomorph was found in the aboveground part of the plants, less of it was received in the stolons and even less in the newly formed tubers. Reducing the consumption rate of the MC Acrobat by 2 times led to a significant reduction in its content in all parts of the plant. When combined with a lower dose of the drug with Siliplant, it did not lead to a noticeable change in its content. Similar results were obtained for the content of mankoceb both when using the MC Acrobat and Pennkozeb. Against the background of a decrease in the consumption rates of Prestige, Acrobat MC, Sharpey and Penncozeb in mixtures with Siliplant, the greatest yield of potatoes was obtained.
Key words: potato, pesticides, Acrobat MC, Pennkozeb, Sharpey, Siliplant, growth regulators, degradation, yield
Dorozhkina L.A., D. Sci. (Agr.), professor. E-mail dorogkina@nest-m.ru
Poddymkina L.M., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor. Е-mail poddimkina@gmail.com
Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
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For citing: Dorozhkina L.A., Poddymkina L.M. Siliplant: impact on the intake and degradation of pesticides in potato protection. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No7. Pp. 30-33. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.39.10.006 (In Russ.).