Evaluation of an effective type of packaging to maintain optimal quality of basil during short-term storage

UDC 635.713:664.8.03

Yanchenko E.V., Engalycheva N.A., Tkachenko G.V.

Vegetable basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) refers to spicy culinary herbs that are sensitive to cooling, which causes additional difficulties in choosing storage modes. The aim of the research was to determine the best type of packaging for vegetable basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), which prolongs its shelf life, and to determine the biochemical quality indicators of modern basil varieties before and after short-term storage. Experiments were conducted to study the effect of packaging materials (including Xtend packages from the Israeli company StePac, which create a modified atmosphere and humidity) on the preservation and biochemical quality indicators of seven varieties of vegetable basil grown using hydroponics. The packaging efficiency and technological properties of vegetable basil varieties were evaluated by comparing the indicators of natural weight loss and yield of marketable products, as well as changes in chemical composition. Colloidal particles in the cytoplasm and vacuoles of vegetable basil poorly retain water, so they easily give it to air currents, which causes wilting and loss of freshness, therefore, for this culture, the use of packaging was very effective. The natural weight loss mainly depended on the type of packaging. So, when stored in an airtight plastic bag with a density of 15 microns, it was absent in all varieties, and when stored in an open box, it was huge and ranged from 26.6–32.3%. When using Xtend packages from the Israeli company StePac, which create a modified atmosphere and humidity, it was low (1.1–1.3%). Minimal losses from blackening and, as a result, a high yield of marketable products was noted when using Xtend packaging with modified atmosphere / modified humidity (MA/MH) in the Medinet variety. To preserve the high quality of vegetable basil greens, it is recommended to optimize the conditions of transportation and storage (temperature, humidity, composition of the gas medium), selection of varieties and the optimal type of packaging. Storing vegetable basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in Xtend packages is the easiest way to create a modified atmosphere and modified humidity, minimizing blackening, and preserving the taste and aroma of spicy greens well.

Key words: basil, modified atmosphere packaging, short-term storage, shelf life

Yanchenko E.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSCV. E-mail: elena_0881@mail.ru

Engalycheva N.A., junior research fellow of the department of greenhouses industry and mushrooms growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSCV. E-mail: anikeeva-nataliy@mail.ru

Tkachenko G.V., Director General of Arteria Inter Fresh LLC. E-mail: tkachenko75@bk.ru

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For citing: Yanchenko E.V., Engalycheva N.A., Tkachenko G.V. Evaluation of an effective type of packaging to maintain optimal quality of basil during short-term storage. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No6. Pp. 16-21. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.14.89.001 (In Russ.).

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