UDC 632.4.01/.08
Eremina N.A., Sokolova L.M.
Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are one of the most important legumes in the world. The main factor preventing the cultivation of beans in the conditions of the Moscow region is the lack of varieties adapted for cultivation. However, the widespread spread of bean culture is hindered by various diseases and abiotic stressors, which significantly reduce (up to 40% or more) the productivity of plants and the quality of their products. Beans are affected by fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Of the fungal diseases, anthracnose, fusarium, white and gray rot, powdery mildew are the most harmful. The purpose of the research is to study the effect of biopriming on the field resistance of beans to a complex of pathogens. As a result of studying the effect of various biopriming options on the field resistance of beans to a complex of pathogens in the conditions of the Central part of the floodplain of the Moskva – Bykovsky River extension, Rhizobium leguminosarum and Arctic Nitrogen + Arctic Phosphorus were isolated. These options for pre-sowing seed treatment contribute to curbing the development of a complex of pathogens, since the average lesion score over three years of follow-up is on average 1.2, which is characterized by a poorly susceptible group. The use of biopriming has improved the overall yield relative to the control. The maximum yield indicators were noted with the use of Rhizobium leguminosarum in all years of the study, in 2022 the increase relative to the control was 30.6%, in 2023–28.8%, and in 2024–40.5%. The use of Arcsoil Nitrogen + Arcsoil Phosphorus allowed to increase yields by 19.5%. In 2022 and 2023, biopriming with Azotovite +Phosphatovite and Arksoil Nitrogen + Arksoil Phosphorus preparations provided an increase in yield of 12 and 13%, respectively. In 2024, the use of Azotovite + Phosphatovite provided a yield of 2.69 kg/m2, which is 17.4% higher than the control, and the use of Arksoil Nitrogen + Arksoil Phosphorus increased yields by 19.5%.
Key words: common beans, biopriming, pathogens, resistance, yield
Eremina N.A., junior research fellow at the Laboratory of Physiological Foundations of Vegetable Seed Science. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (FSBSI FSVC). E-mail: galanova.nadejda@yandex.ru. Orcid ID: 0000-0003-3277-5794. Researcher ID: АА/-3384-2021
Sokolova L.M., DSci (Agr.), leading research fellow, of the Breeding and Seed Center, All–Russian Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable Growing, branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Growing». E-mail: lsokolova74@mail.ru. Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6223-4767. Scopus ID: 57213422957. Researcher ID: J - 6988- 2018
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For citing: Eremina N.A., Sokolova L.M. Field resistance of common beans to a complex of pathogens under the influence of biopriming in the Moscow region. Potato and vegetables. 2025. No1. Pp. 16-22. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2025.73.48.001 (In Russ.).