UDC 635.648
A.V. Konstantinovich, V.I. Terekhova, M.E. Dyikanova
The results of okra variety testing in soil spring film greenhouses are presented. Based on data of yield of okra in conditions of film greenhouses the most productive variety, Damskiye palchiki, the excess yield compared to other varieties was 0.3-1.3 kg/m2, that due to the large number of fruits per plant and average weight.
Keywords: okra, productivity, film greenhouses, product quality.
A.V. Konstantinovich, PhD, associate professor, head of vegetable growing chair, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail: rumexred@gmail.com
V.I. Terekhova, PhD, associate professor, vegetable growing chair, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail: vterechova@yandex.ru
M.E. Dyikanova, PhD, senior lecturer, head of vegetable growing chair, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail: dme3@mail.ru
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For citing: Konstantinovich A.V., Terekhova V.I., Dyikanova M.E. Study of okra cultivars growing in greenhouses of III light zone. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No12. Pp. 30-31.
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