Category Archives: Work and decisions of AIRSC
Import substitution in vegetable seed production: problems and ways to solve them
UDC 631.145:631.531.02 Leunov V.I., Derbenskiy V.I., Rezvyi G.I.
Analysis of the current situation on the provision of seeds for vegetable crops in Russia
UDC 631.145:631.531.02 Derbensky V.I., Leunov V.I.
Posted in Work and decisions of AIRSC
Tagged AIRSC, breeding, seed production, seeds, vegetable crops
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ANRSK – 25 years in the seed market of vegetable crops. Who and how should form a transparent and civilized market for vegetable seeds in Russia
UDC 635–153 Leunov V.I., Derbenskii V.I.
Totals of work of AIRSC in 2018
UDC 635.153 V.I. Leunov, I.M. Konovalenko