UDC 635.713: 631.526.32
Atnazheva M.V., Tsiunel M.M.
Basil is a popular spice crop grown by commercial producers and amateur gardeners. Varieties of purple basil type are mainly widespread. However, there are currently other interesting basil varieties that are little known. Cultivation of the new varieties of this crop will increase diversity of commercial basil products. To do this, it is necessary to study and compare varieties of different basil types. The research was carried out in the OOO “Research Institute of Vegetable Crop Breeding” on the basis of the “Gavrish-Krymsk” breeding center in open field. The growing period was in May-August 2023-2024. Comparison of the productivity of commercial leaves from one plant and the biometric indicators of the rosettes, shoots and leaf blades of basil varieties of different varietal types was made. It was revealed that the higher mass of commercial leaves per plant was in basil varieties Cosmos (285.6 grams), Buterbrodnyy List - (230.3 grams) and Luchano (228.5 grams), which reliably exceeded this characteristic for the standard variety Rosie (159.0 grams). The lowest mass of commercial leaves was noted for the variety Buket Neapolya (123.0 grams). Variety Zhigolo igolo had the mass of commercial leaves at the standard level. The number of plant shoots in the studied varieties ranged from 10.4 to 23.8 pcs. The maximum number of shoots was noted in Cosmos variety (23.8 shoots). The leaf length of the studied varieties ranged from 2.6 to 8.4 cm. The maximum leaf length was found in varieties Buterbrodnyy List (8.4 cm), Luchano (7.7 cm) and Zhigolo (7.5 cm). The leaf width in the test ranged from 1.1 to 6.1 cm. The maximum leaf width was noted for Buterbrodnyy List variety (6.1 cm).
Key words: basil, variety, productivity, number of shoots, leaf length, leaf width.
Atnazheva M.V., junior research fellow
Tsiunel M.M., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), head of department
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For citing: Atnazheva M.V., Tsiunel M.M. Biometric indicators and productivity of leaf rosettes of various basil cultivars in the open ground (Krasnodar Territory). Potato and vegetables. 2025. No1. Pp. 47-51. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2025.68.11.007 (In Russ.).