Breeding of sweet pepper for functional nutrition

UDC 635.649:631.527

Karakadzhiev A.S., Kigashpaeva O.P., Gulin A.V., Dzhabrailova V.Yu.

A new direction of nutrition, functional, is based on the consumption of so-called functional foods, which include sweet peppers with purple fruits containing anthocyanin, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and other beneficial properties. The relevance of the work is to expand the range of cultivars with increased antioxidant activity, the use of which will improve the healthy functional nutrition of the population. The aim of the work is to create new lines of sweet pepper with purple fruits, bearing qualitatively new properties. For the first time, lines of sweet pepper with signs of the same purple colour and different shapes and sizes of fruits were bred. Breeding work was carried out in 2018-2023 at the All-Russian research institute of irrigated vegetable and watermelon growing – a branch of Federal state budgetary scientific institution Caspian agrarian federal scientific centre of RAS (VNIIOB) according to accepted methods and technologies. The soil of the site is alluvial meadow, medium loamy, slightly saline, the humus content in the arable layer is 1.84%. The objects of study were cultivars and breeding lines of sweet pepper of the VNIIOOB selection, differing in shape, size, colour of plants and fruits, maturation periods and directions of use. As a result of hybridization of the Zyganskiy Baron cultivar with the Dar Kaspiya, Sprinter and Novichok cultivars (VNIIOOB), which differ in shape and size of fruits, non-splitting lines were obtained, combining morphological features with higher yields and fruit weight. All three new lines in the offspring inherited anthocyanin colouring in fruits and plants of the Zyganskiy Baron cultivar. The obtained lines represent a promising breeding material for the creation of competitive cultivars and hybrids of sweet pepper.

Key words: sweet pepper, flavonoids, anthocyanins, fruits colour, antioxidants; biological activity, functional nutrition

Karakadzhiev A.S., junior research fellow, department of breeding and seed growing. ORCID: 0000-0001-7572-3578. Е-mail:

Kigashpayeva O.P., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), head of department of breeding and seed growing. ORCID: 0000-0003-4578-6177. E-mail:

Gulin A.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), director. ORCID: 0000-0001-6000-5311. E-mail:

Dzhabrailova V.Yu., junior research fellow, department of breeding and seed growing. E-mail:

All-Russian research institute of irrigated vegetable and watermelon growing – a branch of Federal state budgetary scientific institution Caspian agrarian federal scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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For citing: Breeding of sweet pepper for functional nutrition. A.S. Karakadzhiev, O.P. Kigashpaeva, A.V. Gulin, V.Yu. Dzhabrailova. 2024. No8. Pp. 34-38. (In Russ.).

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