Elizaveta, a new winter white cabbage cultivar

UDC 635.342; 631.527; 631.55

Kazakhmedov R.E., Kafarova N.М.

The cultivar bred in specific soil and climatic conditions is most adapted to them and meets the requirements of the region in terms of product quality. In this case, the breeding is most effective. Our task is to combine in one cultivar the largest possible number of economically valuable features: high yield, precocity, product quality, resistance to diseases and pests (Fusarium wilting, downy mildew, leaf-eating caterpillars, aphids). But the primary sign for growing cabbage in the South of the country is high heat resistance. Therefore, it is obligatory to use a local cultivar that is well adapted to local conditions as one of the parents, more often the mother form. As paternal cultivar that performs the role of donors, non-district samples are attracted, valuable for certain economic characteristics. In order to identify new adaptive genotypes of white cabbage of different maturation periods, in 2009-2014, a further comparative study and competitive testing of 4 hybrid forms and 6 control varieties in the collection of white cabbage of the winter station was carried out. Cultivars in the research work used were developed at Dagestan Selection and Experimental Station for Viticulture and Vegetable Growing (DSESVVG). There were winter white cabbage Derbentskaya mestnaya uluchshennaya, Bychye Serdtse (Bull heart) type, with conical head (standard), Ophelia cultivar (control) and a new cultivar, under the provisional working title Lisa – Elizabeth, bred by the breeder of DESVVG E.U. Kamilova in 2008. The Elizabeth cultivar passed a competitive test in 2009-2014 at the station's collection site. The article presents experimental data of an additional comparative study of the Elizaveta cultivar in winter culture for 2017-2019 in changing climatic conditions at the collection site of the DESVVG. The soils are light brown. It contains 4,2-5,6 mg of mobile forms of nitrogen, 6,2 – 8,6 mg of phosphorus (phosphate), and 45 – 50 mg of exchange potassium per 100 g of soil. The capacity of the arable layer is 30-35 cm, the soil is developed. Planting scheme 70 × 30 cm. The article contains agrobiological and economic-technological characteristics of promising cultivars of winter white cabbage bred at DESVVG as well as the basic elements of agrotechnology of its growing in the dry subtropics of southern Dagestan. The new cultivar of winter white cabbage surpasses the control cultivars in a number of valuable economic characteristics, while it has greater resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors. The Elizaveta variety will be transferred to the State cultivars testing in 2020 and is recommended for introduction into field growing not only in Dagestan, but also in all southern regions of Russia.

Key words: white cabbage, selection, variety, winter crop, precocity, yield, commodity crop

Kazahmedov R.E., Doctor of Sci. (Biol.), leading research fellow, deputy Director for science. Dagestan Selection and Experimental Station for Viticulture and Vegetable Growing (DSESVVG) – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution North Caucasus Federal Scientific Centre of Horticulture, Viticulture, and Winemaking. E-mail: kre_05@mail.ru

Kafarova N.M., research fellow, laboratory of selection, varietal studies of grapes, vegetables and subtropical crops. DSESVVG. E-mail: kafarova64@mail.ru

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For citing: Kazakhmetov R.E., Kafarova N.M. Elizaveta, a new winter white cabbage cultivar. Potato and vegetables. 2020. No4. Pp. 37-40. https: //doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.32.70.007 (In Russ.)



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