Sweet pepper varieties for Western Siberia

UDC 635.649

Antipova N.Yu., Kashnova E.V.

The results of breeding work on the culture of sweet pepper are presented. The influence of the main environmental factors on the growth of pepper plants in the sharply continental climate of Western Siberia is shown. Some directions of varietal selection for unheated greenhouses and open ground are highlighted. The main direction of breeding is the creation of precocious varieties with high potential productivity, the use of which will allow not only to obtain a guaranteed harvest, but also to successfully conduct seed production. Experimental data were obtained in the conditions of Western Siberia (Barnaul, Altai Krai) when growing pepper in the open ground and unheated film greenhouses (spring-summer cultural turnover) at the WSVES – branch of the FSBSI FSVC. Breeding work was carried out from 2000 to the present. The selection material was evaluated in 2015–2021. The materials for research were collectible, breeding samples of pepper of various genetic and ecological-geographical origin, as well as created varieties. The presented varieties of pepper are plastic, have a complex of economically valuable characteristics: high yield, good product quality, resistance to stress factors and major diseases. The most popular group of varieties with cone-shaped and pyramidal fruits (Sibirskii knyaz», Podarok leta, Kavaler, Solnechnaya ulybka, Zolotaya piramida), the yield of which is 4–6 kg/m2 in a greenhouse, in the open ground – 26–42 t/ha, vitamin C content – 114–248 mg%, suitable for salads, whole-fruit canning, freezing and stuffing. Varieties Solnechnaya ulybka and Zolotaya piramida with orange and yellow fruits in biological ripeness are indispensable for decorating dishes. Large-fruited varieties with prismatic-cuboid fruits of various colors in technical ripeness: Viking (dark green) and Val's (light green) are in demand throughout the season, especially during the harvesting period for the future. The yield of this group of varieties is 4–7 kg/m2 in a greenhouse, in the open ground – 26–39 t/ha, vitamin C content 120–191 mg%. The varieties are promising for cultivation in Siberia, able to meet the high demands of vegetable growers and consumers.

Key words: sweet pepper, sample, variety, selection, early maturity

Antipova N.Yu., senior research fellow of laboratories of nightshade crops. E-mail: nauka.zsos@mail.ru

Kashnova E.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow of laboratories of immunity. E-mail: nauka.zsos@mail.ru

West Siberian Vegetable experimental station – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Vegetable Center» (WSVES – branch of the FSBSI FSVC)

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For citing: Antipova N.Yu., Kashnova E.V. Sweet pepper varieties for Western Siberia. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No1. Pp. 33-36.https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.95.73.004 (In Russ.).


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