Tag Archives: fruit weight
Establishment of optimal terms and methods for growing seed fruits of the new line LZ-2513 squash in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan
UDC 631.53.04 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.56.82.003 Aripova Sh.R., Dusmuratova S.I.
The low-volume technology of Fitopyramida type and the potential of tomato hybrids of various commodity groups
UDC 631.234:631.589 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.33.13.006 Al’-Rukabi M.N.M., Leunov V.I., Tereshonkova T.A., Spasskii A.K.
Promising rootstocks for increasing of tomato yield and quality in greenhouses
UDC 635.01 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.28.38.002 B.A. Karimov, E.E. Lyan, R.F. Mavlyanova, M.Kh. Aramov
Posted in Vegetable growing
Tagged chemical composition, disease resistance, fruit weight, rootstock, tomato, variety, yield
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