Promising selection of onions in the South of Russia

UDC 631.527:635.25; 635.152:635.03; 635.1:635

Timoshenko I.V., Geraskina N.V., Rubtsov A.A., Stepanov N.N.

In recent decades, the requirements for new varieties and hybrids have increased significantly. Modern varieties and hybrids of onion should have stable manifestations of the main economic and valuable characteristics under different growing conditions. Priority areas in the selection of onions are not only selection for productivity, but also for precocity, suitability for transportation, which include a set of characteristics (the rounded shape of the bulb, its density, the strength of attachment of the covering dry scales). An important feature is also the keeping quality of bulbs during storage, for which breeding work is conducted for a high content of dry matter and sucrose. The aim of this work is to create new varieties and hybrids of onion for the South of Russia with a complex of economically useful characteristics. The study was performed on Birutchecutskaya Vegetable Experimental Station – branch of FSBSI FSVC, located in the Rostov region in 2015–2020 in the open field. The soils in the experiments are ordinary black earth. The thickness of the humus horizon is 70 cm. The humus content in the arable layer is 4.2%. Weather conditions during the experiments were typical for the climate zone of southern Russia. The climate is continental, with a frost-free period of more than 260 days, hot and dry summers, and relatively short and warm winters. Over the years of research, various materials from different regions of the world have been collected. The collected varieties and hybrids were evaluated based on the presence of valuable traits and properties on their basis, a linear material of sources and donors of traits that are in demand in breeding programs was created. From the best lines, a bank of sources and donors of the most important features is formed – a collection of 100 samples. Among the studied onion samples, sources of valuable traits for various areas of culture selection in the South of Russia were identified. The most resistant genotypes to regional stresses were included in hybridization, and linear material was created on their basis. In parallel, there was varietal and heterosis selection. According to the results of the competitive test, a sample of GL-5 L 40 (Titan) was produced, which was transferred to the State variety testing.

Key words: selection, source material, variety, hybrid, onion

Timoshenko I.V. (author for correspondence), junior research fellow of Birutchecutskaya Vegetable Experimental Station – branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail:

Geraskina N.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior lecturer, Don State Agrarian University. E-mail:

Rubtsov A.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), head of Biruchekutskaya Vegetable Experimental Station – branch FSBSI FSVC

Stepanov N.N., Сommercial Director of Sakata-Rostov. E-mail:

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For citing: Promising selection of onions in the South of Russia. I.V. Timoshenko, N.V. Geraskina, A.A. Rubtsov, N.N., Stepanov. Potato and vegetables. 2020. No11. Pp. 30-32. (In Russ.).


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