Testing of radish hybrids belonging to Round Red type in Moscow region

UDC 635.152: 631.526.325

Tsiulnel A.M., Tsiunel M.M.

As a result of breeding work in LLC “Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding”. the radish hybrid F1 Buggy was bred. To confirm the high productivity of the new domestic radish hybrid F1 Buggy in comparison with the standard and the new foreign radish F1 hybrids, a variety test was conducted. The research was carried out in 2020-2022 in the unheated plastic film greenhouse at the LLC “Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding” Ltd. and at the “Gavrish-Slobodskoy” breeding centre (Pavlovskaya Sloboda village, Istra district, Moscow region). The yields of root crops of F1 radish hybrids from different breeding companies were compared. It was found that the higher yields were shown by hybrids F1 Melito and F1 Rosetta – 4.8 kg/m2 (2021) and 4.1 kg/m2 (2020), which is significantly higher than the yield of the standard hybrid F1 Vienna– 4.4 kg/m2 (2021) and 3.6 kg/m2 (2020). In 2022 the yields between the mentioned hybrids varied within the limits of experimental error – from 3.8 kg/m2 (F1 Vienna) to 4.0 kg/m2 (F1 Rokstar). The yield of hybrid F1 Buggy during the research period differed from the standard and the other F1 hybrids within the limits of experimental error and ranged from 3.9 kg/m2 (2020, 2022) to 4.6 kg/m2 (2021). The average weight of the root crop during the study period ranged from 30 grams (F1 Vienna, F1 Celesta in 2020) to 40 grams (F1 Melito and F1 Rosetta in 2021). The average diameter of the root crop varied from 3.2 cm (F1 Celesta in 2020) to 4.1 cm (F1 Rosetta in 2021). The average height of the root crop varied from 3.2 cm (F1 Celesta in 2020) to 4.1 cm (F1 Melito and F1 Rosetta in 2021). Marketability of the root crops was high and ranged from 94% (F1 Rokstar, F1 Arli in 2022) to 98% (F1 Arli in 2021).

Key words: radish, F1 hybrid, yield, marketability, root crop weight, root crop diameter, root crop height.

Tsiunel A.M., research fellow, LLC «Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding».

Tsiunel M.M. (author for correspondence), Cand. Sci. (Agr.), deputy director for breeding, LLC «Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding». E-mail: mciunel@yandex.ru.

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For citing: Tsiulnel A.M., Tsiunel M.M. Testing of radish hybrids belonging to Round Red type in Moscow region. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No3. Pp. 37-40. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.28.63.006 (In Russ.).

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