Tag Archives: root crop diameter
Testing of radish hybrids belonging to Round Red type in Moscow region
UDC 635.152: 631.526.325 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.28.63.006 Tsiulnel A.M., Tsiunel M.M.
Posted in Breeding and seed growing
Tagged F1-hybrid, marketability, radish, root crop diameter, root crop height, root crop weight, yield
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Terms of sowing of single-seed forms of table beet in seed production in the south of Russia
UDC 635.112:631.145:631.531.02 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.55.41.007 Yusupova L.A., Khovrin A.N., Timakova L.N.