The effect of prolonged storage and periodic reproduction on the germination of red beet seeds

UDC 635 – 153

Vorob’ev M.V., Bogdanova V.D.

The area under red beet in the Russian Federation ranges from 65-68 thousand ha, which is 7% of the total area occupied by vegetables. Questions related to the duration of storage and periodic reproduction for seed germination are relevant. The work investigated the changes in such important sowing qualities as the germination energy and germination of red beet seeds using the example of the Dvusemyannaya TSKHA variety, after different storage periods. Thanks to the conduct of breeding work, it is possible to significantly increase the terms of economic shelf life of seeds and the duration of their biological viability. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of the shelf life of seeds of red beet variety Dvusemyannaya TSKHA on their sowing qualities (germination and germination energy). To do this, we determined the germination and germination energy of seeds of red beet from different families of the variety Dvusemyannaya TSKHA under conditions of long-term storage, studied the field germination of seeds under conditions of long-term storage, and established the optimal storage periods. Field germination of individual families differed significantly. In some cases, especially as a result of long-term storage, the difference reached 70%. It is clearly shown that the energy of germination and germination of seeds change little over four years in the absence of various treatments. The influence of weather conditions in the year of seed cultivation and genotypic differences of families was revealed. It is recommended to take these factors into account in breeding and in the production of elite seeds. The research results presented by the author indicate a high biological longevity of beet seeds, even when stored in room conditions, which is more than 16 years. This is important for reproduction, since because of climate warming, the direction of selection changes towards later-maturing forms that are less outgrowing and resistant to cracking and deformation of root crops. The high quality of the seed material of cultivated plants depends on the conditions of seed formation.

Key words: red beet, variety, storage, germination

Vorob’ev M.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior lecturer. Phone: 8 (926) 598-65-91. E-mail:

Bogdanova V.D., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor. Phone: 8 (926) 917-94-67. E-mail:

Russian State Agrarian University – MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev

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For citing: Vorob’ev M.V., Bogdanova V.D. The effect of prolonged storage and periodic reproduction on the germination of red beet seeds. Potato and vegetables. 2020. No12. Pp. 35-37. (In Russ.).

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