UDC 631.531.01:635.64
Bukharov A.F., Sycheva S.V., Bukharova A.R., Vostrikov V.V.
The object of research was plants and seeds of three varieties of tomato, including: Jahont, Buj Tur and Kulon. The research was carried out at the Voronezh Vegetable Experimental Station (VOES). The purpose of the work is to give a detailed analysis of the main indicators characterizing the seed productivity of tomato varieties of the VOES selection and the possibility of their implementation in local conditions. The traditional technology for the VOES was used (including the cultivation of pickled seedlings and its planting with watering with a solution of mineral fertilizers), which, in the absence of extreme conditions, ensures a stable fruit yield within 100 t/ha. The experience is based on a four-fold repetition with a systematic arrangement of options. Two-row plots with an area of 10 m2 with placement of 40 plants on them. The generally accepted indicators are calculated: the number of flowers (pcs/plant), the number of fruits (pcs/plant), fruit setability (%), average fruit weight (g), fruit weight (g/plant), the number of ovules (pcs/fruit), the number of seeds (pcs/fruit), the coefficient of seminification (%). Significant differences of varieties in the main parameters characterizing seed productivity due to their biological characteristics are shown. The varieties Kulon and Buj Tur, which have medium-sized fruits, had higher values of all parameters, seed productivity, and, as a result, provided the maximum calculated yield and seed yield per 100 kg of fruit. It is shown that the potential seed productivity is limited by such labile indicators as the number of flowers laid on the plant, the number of ovules in the ovary and to a lesser extent the mass of 1000 seeds. In addition to the above parameters, the actual seed productivity is greatly influenced by the indicators of fruit formation and the coefficient of seminification. The conducted studies show a significant reserve of potential opportunities to increase the seed productivity and yield of the studied tomato varieties in the conditions of the Voronezh region, especially for the large-fruited Jahont variety.
Key words: tomato, varieties, seeds, parameters of seed productivity
Bukharov A.F. (the author for correspondence), D. Sci (Agr.), head of the Seed Science Laboratory, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: afb56@mail.ru
Sycheva S.V., senior research fellow, VOES – branch of FSBSI FSVC
Bukharova A.R., D. Sci (Agr.), Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Plant Growing, FSBEI HE RSACU
Vostrikov V.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow, VOES – branch of FSBSI FSVC
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For citing: The potential of tomato seed productivity in the conditions of the CCR. A.F. Bukharov, S.V. Sycheva, A.R. Bukharova, V.V. Vostrikov. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No11. Pp. 38-40. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.91.95.006 (In Russ.).