Growth regulators in potato growing technology

UDC 635.21:633.49:631.563

Krylov V.A., Zeiruk V.N., Belov G.L., Barkov V.A.

The article presents the results of research on the use of growth-regulating preparations and chemical fungicides on potatoes in the conditions of the Moscow region. The effect of plant biostimulants Polydon Polyfait, L and Biotonus, P in the agro-technology of growing of potato cultivar Sante is shown. Scheme of experiment: 1. Control (without treatment); 2. 1H Metaxyl, SP 2.5 kg / ha – 1H Insaid 1.0 L/ha – 1H Insaid, SK + Raek, КЭ 1.0 L/ha + 0.4 L/ha – 1H Talant 2.5 L / ha; 3. 4x Polydone Polyfait, L 1.0 L / ha; 4. 4x Biotonus, P 0.6 L / ha; 5. 1H Metaxil, SP + Polydon Polyfait, L 2.5 kg/ha+1.0 L/ha – 1H Insaid + Polydon Polyfait, L (1.0 L/ha+1.0 L/ha) – 1H Insaid, SK + Raek, КЭ + Polydon Polyfait, L (1.0 L/ha+0.4 L/ha+1.0 L/ha) – 1H Talant + polydone Polyfait, L (2.5 л/ha+1.0 л/ha); 6. 1H Metaxyl, SP + Biotonus, P (2.5 kg/ha+0.6 L/ha) – 1H Insaid+ Biotonus, P (1.0 L/ha +0.6 L/ha) – 1H Insaid, SK + Raek, Kэ+ Biotonus, P (1.0 L/ha+0.4 L/ha+0.6 L/ha) – 1H Talant + Biotonus, P (2.5 L/ha+0.6 l/ha). It was found that the treatment of plants with growth-regulating preparations both separately and in a mixture with chemical fungicides did not significantly change the biometric indices of potatoes at the time of surveys. It was revealed that separate use of growth regulating agents from chemical fungicides does not provide immunity protective effect in plants. Significant percentage of spreading - 71,6-73,1% and development - 21,6-35,8% of Alternaria was observed on variants without treatment and with application of preparations Polydon Polyfait, L and Biotonus, P. Application of chemical fungicides was the most effective technique in the experiment, aimed at controlling Alternaria. Joint treatment of potatoes with growth regulators and fungicides reduced the prevalence of this disease in 2.4-2.8 times, the degree of development - in 2.5-3.7 times and contributed to the entrainment of gross and marketable yield by 21.7-24.5% and 41.8-45.7%, respectively. Fungicide treatment allowed to increase potato yield by 3.0 t/ha and to increase additionally the yield of marketable products by 3.7 t/ha relative to the control variant.

Key words: potato, potassium phosphite, seaweed extract, fungicides, yield, Alternaria.

Krylov V.A., Cand. Sci. (Biol.) (author for correspondence), agronomist of the group of the field experimental station of JSC Firm «August», associate professor of the Department of Agronomic, Biological Chemistry and Radiology of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev

Zeyruk V.N., D.Sci. (Agr.), Head of Plant Protection Laboratory of the Potato Research Centre

Belov G.L., D.Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow of the Plant Protection Laboratory of the Russian Potato Research Centre

Barkov V.A., Head of the Product Development Department of JSC Firm “August”

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For citing: Growth regulators in potato growing technology. Krylov V.A., Zeiruk V.N., Belov G.L., Barkov V.A. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No8. Pp. 19-23. (In Russ.).

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