Improvement of potato production technology by optimizing the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers

UDC 631.84:633.491

Petrov A.F.

The purpose of the research is to improve effective methods of increasing potato production in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia, by optimizing the use of various forms of nitrogen fertilizers. The research was carried out in 2018–2020 in the fields of the educational and experimental farm Michurintsev Garden of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, located in the northern forest-steppe of the Ob region, belonging to the West Siberian region of the forest-steppe zone of the Russian Federation. The potato varieties used in the work were: early–ripening – Lubava, middle-early – Kuznechanka and middle-ripe – Tuleyevsky, on which the effect of two forms of mineral nitrogen fertilizers was studied: liquid – UAN-32 (NH4NO3– (NH2) 2CO–H2O) and solid – ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) with three doses of 60, 90 and 120 kg of a. s. per 1 ha. Control is an option without the use of fertilizers. It has been established that nitrogen fertilizers have a positive effect on the formation of all elements of the crop structure. In relation to the control variant, there is an increase of 95% in the average mass of tubers from one plant, as well as an increase in their yield by 2–3 pcs. from one bush, which ultimately has a positive effect on the average mass of tubers and their fractional composition. At the same time, the average doses of UAN-32 are the most optimal. It was also found that, on average, the yield dependence on the conditions of the year was up to 31% or more, from the variety – up to 25% and up to 100% from the use of nitrogen fertilizers. At the same time, the average doses of UAN-32 were the most optimal, which is on average 10–15% higher than similar options with ammonium nitrate. The use of nitrogen fertilizers contributed to the formation of an average increase in yield relative to the control by 10.9–18.6 t/ha for the Lubava variety, 10.8–21.6 t/ha for the Kuznechanka variety and 11.7–26.8 t/ha for the Tuleyevsky variety. At the same time, the maximum values of this indicator are noted at the average and maximum doses of UAN-32.

Key words: potatoes, varieties, nitrogen fertilizers, ammonium nitrate, UAN-32 (urea-ammonium nitrate mixture), yield, product quality.

Petrov A.F., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate Professor, head of Department of Crop and Feed Production, Novosibirsk state agrarian University. E-mail:

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For citing: Petrov A.F. Improvement of potato production technology by optimizing the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No5. Pp. 30-33. (In Russ.).

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