Analysis of potato and vegetable production in Yakutia

UDC 633.4/31

Nikolaeva F.V., Lukina F.A.

Sustainable development of potato and vegetable growing is one of the main tasks of ensuring food security of the country. The purpose of the research is to analyze the current state and development of potato and vegetable production in Yakutia. Based on this goal, it is necessary to consider the state of potato and vegetable growing over the past ten years. When analyzing the data, it should be taken into account that due to the peculiarities of natural and climatic conditions, both periods of growth and decline are noted in the dynamics of the development of crop production. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out by studying scientific articles, statistical collections on agriculture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The sown area of all agricultural crops in Yakutia in 2010 was 43566 hectares, of which potatoes and vegetables were cultivated on 9050 hectares. At the same time, out of 9050 hectares, potatoes accounted for 7415 hectares, and vegetables for 1630 hectares. Among vegetable crops, preference was given to cabbage (682 ha), beets (282 ha) and carrots (262 ha). Regardless of the year (weather conditions), there was an increase in yields for potatoes, cabbage, carrots and beets. Our analysis showed that: 1) the production of potatoes and vegetables is primarily aimed at meeting the demand of the local population; 2) the dynamics of the gross harvest and yield of potatoes and vegetables of the closed ground for the period from 2010 to 2019 has a mostly positive trend, which is associated with the introduction of new, high-yielding varieties of agricultural crops, the construction of modern potato storage facilities, however, decreased production of open-ground vegetables, which, in turn, is associated with a reduction in acreage; 3) the main producers of potato and vegetable products are the population and farms. The production of crop production in Yakutia with the further introduction of new highly productive varieties of potatoes and vegetables and with timely state support will fully meet the demand of the population for local potato and vegetable products.

Key words: Yakutia, potato growing, vegetable growing, sown areas, gross harvest, productivity

Nikolaeva F.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Head of the Department of Technology and Equipment of the Forestry Complex. E-mail:

Lukina F.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), acting Head of bioclonal and genetic laboratory. E-mail:

Arctic State Agrotechnological University (ASAU)

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For citing: Nikolaeva F.V., Lukina F.A. Analysis of potato and vegetable production in Yakutia. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No7. Pp. 10-13. (In Russ.).

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