Tag Archives: climate
Accounting for current and expected weather risks in crop production based on mathematical game theory
UDC 68.29.05 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.13.27.001 Perevertin K.A., Leunov V.I., Belolyubtsev A.I., Simakov E.A., Ivantsova N.N., Vasil’ev T.A.
Асаdemic N. I. Vavilov and development of Russian potato growing
Posted in Potato growing
Tagged botanical species, climate, ecology, potato, selection, soil, vegetation period, сорт
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Dynamics of species composition of potato pathogens in the European part of the Russian Federation.
УДК 633.11:632.488 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.57.62.003 A.N. Ignatov, J.V. Panycheva, M.V. Voronina, D.M. Vasiliev, F.S-U. Dzhalilov