Elements of eggplant cultivation technology in protected ground

UDC 635.646:631.544

Terekhova V.I., Kirichenko D.V., Zemyakhin M.S.

The purpose of the research is to substantiate the elements of eggplant growing technology in film unheated ground greenhouses. Research on the subject is relevant because it contributes to an increase in the area of cultivation of crops, as well as an increase in yield and marketability of products, which determines the economic efficiency of production. Scientific research was carried out in 2020–2021 on the territory of the V.I. Edelstein Educational and Scientific Production Center for Horticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The experience of studying the effect of rationing the number of flowers in rudimentary inflorescences on the early and overall yield and quality of eggplant fruits was laid during the formation of hybrids in three stems. The experience is two-factor: factor A – rationing (option I – without rationing (control), option II – rationing for one flower, option III – rationing for two flowers). Factor B is the genotype of hybrids (F1 Borovichok, F1 Bagira, F1 Nezhneishii, F1 Patio Trio, F1 Pelikan). The experiment was laid in fourfold repetition, the area of the accounting plot was 7.6 m2. The studies were carried out in the conditions of summer-autumn turnover in a film unheated ground greenhouse in accordance with generally accepted methods for vegetable crops in protected soil. Seedlings were grown in the seedling compartment of a multi-row greenhouse of the Richel 9.6 SR series. The seeds were sown on March 14–15 in cassettes with a cell size of 5×5×5 cm and a volume of 125 cm3. Riding peat was used as a substrate. Top dressing was carried out with a complex fertilizer Yara Kristalon 18.18.18+3 with an interval of 5 days: the first top dressing was carried out – 10 days after planting seedlings. When single foci of infection were detected, treatment against fungal diseases was carried out with Ridomil MC Gold, VDG and Quadris, CS. Based on the results of studying the effect of rationing the number of flowers in rudimentary inflorescences on the early and overall yield and quality of eggplant fruits in the studied eggplant hybrids, it was revealed that in the variants of the experiment with rationing for 1 flower, the largest number of commercial fruits was formed (87.6%). The revealed dependence was of a variety-specific nature.

Key words: eggplant, protected ground, rationing of the number of flowers, yield, marketability

Terekhova V.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor, acting head of the Department of Vegetable growing. E-mail: v_terekhova@rgau-msha.ru

Kirichenko D.V., undergraduate. E-mail: dime551999@mail.ru

Zemyakhin M.S., undergraduate

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

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For citing: Terekhova V.I., Kirichenko D.V., Zemyakhin M.S. Elements of eggplant cultivation technology in protected ground. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No12. Pp. 23-25. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.70.77.004 (In Russ.).


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