UDC 633.427 (470.58)
Alekseeva K.L., Fedosov A.Yu., Vasyuchkov I.Yu., Ivanova M.I.
In the conditions of the Moscow region on alluvial meadow medium loamy soil with a humus content of 2.9-3.1%, hydrolysable nitrogen 10-12 mg/100 g, mobile phosphorus 23-27 mg, mobile potassium 8-11 mg/100 g, the use of organic additive based on peat GumiMix (developed by Sudislavl-Torf LLC) together with mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of root crops of Vera MS radish varieties during the autumn sowing period. The experiment was conducted according to the following scheme: a control variant (N120P80K180) and an experimental variant (N60P40K90 + GumiMix 190 kg/ha additive). The area of the experimental plots is 20 m2, the area of the accounting plots is 10 m2. The repetition is fourfold. The yield of root crops from the main application of N120P80K180 was 3.13 kg/m2, and when using half the dose of N60P40K90 together with 190 kg/ha of GumiMix - 5.58 kg/m2. The excess yield on the 44th day from seedlings was 2.45 kg/m2 due to an increase in the average root size by 19.5 g. A positive effect of GumiMix on the growth of radish plants was revealed - an increase in the height and weight of the rosette of leaves, an increase in diameter (by 0.7 cm) and mass (per 19.5 g) of the root crop. An increase in the marketability of root crops grown with the use of GumiMix up to 95.7% was established. The qualitative biochemical parameters of radish roots using N60P40K90 together with GumiMix were at the level of the control variant N120P80K180 - dry matter content 5.9%, sugars - 2.96%, ascorbic acid 22.0 mg%, nitrates 975 mg/kg. No excess of MPC for nitrates was found. When growing radishes using GumiMix, an increase in the ash content in root crops (by 0.7%), as well as the content of magnesium (0.36%), potassium (1.17%) and sodium (0.39%) was found.
Key words: mineral fertilizers, organic additive GumiMix, radish, productivity, marketability, product quality
Alekseeva K.L., D. Sci. (Agr.), head of biological plant protection laboratory. E-mail: alexenleon@yandex.ru
Fedosov A.Yu., junior research fellow, department of industrial technologies and innovations. E-mail: fffed@rambler.ru
Vasyuchkov I.Yu., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, department of agrochemistry and cultivation. E-mail: gamov_igor@mail.ru
Ivanova M.I., D. Sci (Agr.), professor RAS, chief research fellow, department of breeding and seed growing. E-mail: ivanova_170@mail.ru All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – a branch of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetables» (ARRIVG - branch of FSBSI FSVC)
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For citing: Humimix increases yield and marketability of radish in open ground. K.L. Alekseeva, A.Yu. Fedosov, I.Yu. Vasyuchkov, M.I. Ivanova. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No6. Pp. 15-18. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.83.80.003 (In Russ.).