The yield of tomato as secondary crop depending on norms of applied fertilizers in the nest and growth stimulants

UDC 631.55:631.9:631.52

Ostonakulov T.E., Tuichiev Sh.Sh.

The purpose of the research is to study the growth and development of plants, the formation of the leaf surface area, tops, roots and fruit yield, total and marketable yield, as well as optimal fertilizer rates of early–ripening tomato varieties Mustakillik-28 and medium-early – Volgogradsky 5/95 in repeated culture when applying various norms of organomineral fertilizers on each nest (hole). Field experiments were carried out in conditions of irrigated light gray soils of the farm Muminov Iskandar of the Karshi district in 2021–2022. Before planting seedlings, fertilizers were applied according to the following options: 1.0 kg of manure, 1.0 kg of manure + N1,8P1,4K0,9, 1.0 kg of manure + N2,7P2,1K1,3, N3,6P2,8K1,8 g (control) of active substance, and in the form of fertilizers – 5.3, 8.0, 10.6 g of ammonium nitrate, 3.0, 4.4, 6.0 g of ammophos, 1,4, 2,1, 2,8 g of potassium chloride. In the conditions of irrigated light gray soils of Kashkadarya region, the cultivation of tomato varieties Volgogradsky 5/95 (standard) and Mustakillik-28 in repeated culture largely depends on the norms of application of organomineral fertilizers, as well as treatment with solutions of growth stimulants. Before planting seedlings of tomato varieties in the field, a joint application of 5 t/ha of manure + N150P120K75 kg/ha, or at the rate of 1.0 kg of manure + 8.0 g of ammonium nitrate, 4.4 g of ammophos and 2.1 g of potassium chloride in the budding – flowering period of plants together with treatment with growth stimulant solutions, is carried out on each nest (hole) (ivin, gibberellin) promotes the formation of the tallest (70.7–79.6 cm), with a maximum leaf surface area (0.43–0.55 m2) and a mass of tops (532–555 g), with the greatest root system capacity (165–169 g) and high productivity (586–696 g) plants. As a result, the highest commercial yield was obtained on this variant – 30.5–35.5 t/ha.

Key words: variety, tomato, fertilizer rates, nests, growth stimulants, productivity, marketable yield

Ostonakulov T.E. (the author for correspondence), D. Sci (Agr.), professor, Samarkand Science and Research Station of Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables Crops, Melons and Potatoes. E-mail:

Tuichiev Sh.Sh., lecturer of KarSU

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For citing: Ostonakulov T.E., Tuichiev Sh.Sh. The yield of tomato as secondary crop depending on norms of applied fertilizers in the nest and growth stimulants. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No6. Pp. 11-14. ( In Russ.).

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