Production of salads – the experience of bewerberportal Moscow region

УДК 635.52

A.F. Razin, M.V. Shatilov, R.A. Meshcheryakova, T.N. Surikhina, O.A. Razin, G.A. Telegina

The article presents an analysis of the market of lettuce (Lastuca sativa L.) as one of the most economically important leafy vegetable crops. The production indicators of the world salad production are shown, including information about the countries that have a significant share in the global production. The process of production is described and economic indicators are analyzed on the example of LLC Vesyolyi Agronom growing salads in the Dmitrov district of the Moscow region.

Keywords: lettuce, production, economics.

M.V. Shatilov, PhD, research fellow of department of economics, All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetable Growing (ARRIVG – FSBI FSCVG). E-mail:

M.I. Ivanova, DSc., professor RAS, chief research fellow, department of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG – FSBI FSCVG. E-mail:

O.A. Razin, PhD, chief research fellow, Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetable Growing

T.N. Surikhina, junior research fellow, department of economics, ARRIVG – FSBI FSCVG. E-mail:

M.V. Kuzyakin, director general, LLC Vesyolyi Agronom

E.S. Sokolova, chief agronomist, LLC Vesyolyi Agronom

V.S. Bukanov, chief financial officer. LLC Vesyolyi Agronom

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  5. Материалы ФАО [Электронный ресурс]. URL: Дата обращения: 15.06.18.
  6. FAO materials [Web resource ]. URL: Access date: 15.06.2018.

PDF (Rus)

For citing: Razin A.F.,. Shatilov M.V, Meshcheryakova R.A., Surikhina T.N., Razin O.A., Telegina G.A. Production of salads – the experience of bewerberportal Moscow region. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No9. Pp. 15–17.


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